Part 3: The strange dream

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It was already 9 p.m., so I dashed to my room to catch some shut-eye before midnight.

When I returned to my room, as I expected, the pants had vanished. So the owner must return them to him, or he obtain them on his own? In any case, sneaking into someone's room without permission was not acceptable! Anyway, I realized that I am not safe here in the village.

I lie down in bed and promptly fell asleep; I had a strange dream. A young lady was carrying a baby and appeared to be fleeing from someone. She was on the third floor of the house, searching for a place to hide the baby. But then a gray-haired man approached her and began threatening her with taking the baby. She refused, but the man insisted vehemently. Finally, a woman pretended to hand over the baby to the man. Then she leaned back slightly toward the stairs and abruptly pushed the man to the floor. He screamed, and then there was dead silence. She hid the baby in a large box in the right corner of the large room then left the house.

Where did she go? Why did I have a dream about such a strange crime?

When I awoke and looked at my watch, it was 11 p.m. I sneaked out of my room so the owner wouldn't notice I was going somewhere.

A crescent moon appeared in the sky, and the weather was pleasant. I was walking to church while imagining all the bad things that would happen to me. He might try to kill me? He could...

"Stop thinking about it" I said to myself. And when I realized I was already in front of the church door, I was afraid to step inside because my heart was racing so fast. But I had no choice....

As I walked down the corridor, I noticed the chapel's door was open and someone was sitting inside: a praying man's figure appeared in front of my eyes. I was approaching him....

I was relieved because he was now right in front of my eyes. I walked into the chapel and greeted him. But he did not respond. It made me feel uneasy. "Hello," I said again in a more hushed tone. And for the time being, he looked at me and said, "I came a little earlier and was immersed in my thoughts." He appeared to be calmer compared to day time.

" I have a lot of questions. In any case, I had no one else to ask but you" . 

Why did you help me and give me your pants the other day?

Why did you allow me to enter the house and witness everything?, I asked him. 

I noticed you were eager to enter the house. So I simply assisted you for no reason. I, too, was surprised by what you were exposed to.

But who are you? I mean, who are all of you from the third-story house?

"We are the village's judges."

( I assumed it was possible because they were discussing crimes)

But who are you, a strange lady?, he asked suspiciously. 

I have no idea of my name or where I came from. But I have the impression that I do not belong here AT ALL!

You are correct. I hadn't seen you around. So I was interested in learning about you.

I need to know whom I am and where I came from. Then I want to get out of here. This place is too mysterious and scary for me. 

He sighed. You can not enter or leave this village without the permission of the jury. The seven members of the committee make the final decision on who they want to let in or out.

Do you mean the jury let me into the village?

That is correct, literally.

But,  I didn't ask anyone to enter here!

Perhaps you don't remember it.

"Perhaps" (I was a little bit irritated now). He appeared to know something but didn't want to spill it.

But how do you explain the fact that I do not remember my name, at least?

That could be the jury's condition for allowing you to enter here.

I'm not sure what you're talking about and I do not want to know about your jury or this village.  Can you just help me remember who I am and get out of here safely?

Why do I have to assist you? I don't know you. I have more important matter for the whole village. Besides the leader of jury only can do a favor for you. 

Then he remained silent.

I realized that no matter what I say, he would not help me. But then I had a thought.

"Wait!" I exclaimed as he was about to leave.

I had a dream about a woman, a young lady. On the third floor of the house, she was holding a baby!

What happened to them after that? "Tell me," he demanded urgently.

A middle-aged man chased her down and threatened her with the baby. But she tricked him and pushed him to the ground. Then he inquired solemnly, "What happened to the baby?" It appeared to be very important to him, as evidenced by his expression. At that point, I came to a halt and said. So, if you can assist me, I would tell you what happened to the baby (I did not fully grasp that why my dream was important to him).

"I need to know where the baby is; it's urgent," he said. Please tell me!. I promise I will assist you, he cried. 

How am I supposed to believe you? You refused to help me in such a cold, suspicious manner just a moment ago, and now you've changed, huh?

I am sorry, but you have to tell me. The baby is in DANGER!

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