Part 11: Ready to fight!

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I saw a woman's face—a long, pale face like a dead person's. She was bending over, staring at me. Then the two people beside me awakened. I could not see their faces. They tried to protect me from the woman above us, but the woman did not intend to harm me. Instead, she wanted to tell me something. Rather than anger, I felt deep sadness in her cold, gray eyes. She pointed to her chest, on which there was a red scar. I did not know what the reason was behind this scar. She tried to tell me something, but then she seemed to have no voice.

I woke up and went to James' room. He opened the door and looked tired. I want to talk to you.

"Come on in," he said.

The first thing I asked him was, "Is Ally dead?"

Tell me, it was a dream. Please!

I am sorry, but she is dead now.

I started crying bitterly.

After a while, James asked me whether I had a dream.

Then I remembered my dream and told him everything.

He took me to my room again and left me there in a rush. After a moment or two, I heard someone knocking on my door. I opened it, and there were James and William. William seemed to be intending to tell me something but could not put it out. Then James opened his mouth.

"The woman you dreamed of is Jessie, a former judge. A long time ago, she fought against the red snake. But, eventually, she was brutally killed by the red snake; he took her heart out. That is why the scar appeared on the woman's chest. Moreover, there is a rumor that she is still in his dream. The red snake is now her soul's owner. She might want to tell you something that could be invaluable to us!

However, it is a sign that the red snake is losing some of his power! We might have a chance to kill the red snake. But we should never underestimate him!"

But... why did the red sake hate me so much? And he wanted to kill me?

He did not just want to kill you. He wanted to have you use your power.

"I think you can recognize him. I think you only saw his true face. I mean the only alive witness who saw his real face. All the judges who saw his real face were killed like Ally. But you somehow managed to see his real face, still alive. He must hate this so much!"

If you use your power at full length, you may conquer him.

But how?

Only you can reveal how! William whispered.

We later discovered that Red Snake was behind the twin's crime, as we assumed.

He gave the twins' power to kill people. Thus, the judges were disgusted by it and did not focus on him. The red snake used one of the twins' weaknesses. The twin actually loved a woman for a long time, but the woman fell in love with a different guy. Because of her rejection, one of the twin brothers wanted her fiancé to disappear forever so he could be with her. At least he hoped. But things did not work as he had planned. She killed herself. She felt guilty that, due to her long-term ignorance or disapproval of the twin brother's love, he might have killed her beloved one. She did not want to live without him. Love is such a complicated thing.

"That is why I don't want to fall in love with someone deeply," I said.

James was surprised by my assumption about love and asked, "So you are not going to fall in love at least once in your life?".

I reckon so.

I had no idea whether I had ever been in such an intimate relationship with a guy before.

I just do not remember my past. But I have a different goal before I leave this place: I must take revenge on the red snake for Ally, who died to save me.

Thinking about romantic love is such a luxury for me right now.



This time, you need to help me to the end. I hope you will not reject my request as you did when I asked you for help the first time, will you?" I grinned.

He understood what I meant, so he just nodded silently.

So, give me the knife! We are going to catch the red snake today!

The three-story houseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant