Part 4: My name is...........

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"I'm looking into the disappearance of a baby girl. It had to be related to the case!"

 I did not know why he did not mention about the man. Maybe he did not die of falling, I assumed.

I didn't fully trust him, but I told him what happened in the house; I was concerned that the baby might be in danger. I accompanied him to the house. I didn't need white clothes this time since the entire village, including the three-story house, was enveloped in silence. We went straight up to the third floor. We immediately saw the big room in the corridor. (On the opposite, I noticed the hall where I witnessed the death of the suspect.)

 I opened the door and looked at the large box in the right corner. He read my mind and dashed to the box, only to be stiffed when he opened it. And he stared back at me as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Then he reached into the box to retrieve the baby girl.

"Was it truly true?", I asked myself quietly. I couldn't believe it in my eyes. 

Is she still alive? I asked. "Yes. "She appeared to be sleeping," he observed. 

" I still did not get why I dreamt about this baby and the whole thing?"

"That could be the reason you're here,"

"This village, on the other hand, is not like other villages. Everyone is here for a reason."

"For a reason?"


"Indeed the main thing that distinguishes the village is that this small place has many unsolved, mysterious cases and the judges with special skills."


"Just the qualities that a judge must possess, he grinned." (He seemed not to want to talk much about the topic).

"We must now take her to a care facility"

" A care facility?"

"Yes, let's go."

We went to an old-fashioned small house with a sign that said "Children's Care Center." We walked in and were greeted by a woman in her late forties with a curly blonde hair. Her eyes told me that she was not expecting to have some visitors at this late hour. Then she took the baby and proceeded down the hall. He followed her and returned my gaze with the words: "Wait for me here." I was walking around the house, curiously opening doors, but there was no one there. It appeared that the care center had not received anyone to care in many years. There were old dusty tables, an armchair, and empty cribs, which seemed a little bit spooky to me. 

He came and looked relieved. We finally left the house around at dawn. The moon was wrapping its arms around the sun.

"I need to go back now," he said abruptly.

"Wait! You should help me? Remember!?"

"Yes, but not right now. After I find a way for you, I will send you a letter and set up a meeting.

But thank you so much for saving the baby," he exclaimed as he dashed to the three-story house.

I couldn't say a single word. He appeared to have duped me, but I was satisfied to have saved a small innocent soul!

I walked slowly to the inn. I didn't want to sleep because I was afraid I'd dream about a crime scene again. What if I end up putting myself in danger as a result of it? But after about an hour, I dropped asleep.

I had another dream. In my dream, a tall man stole a heavy, old book from the three-story house. His face was so blurry that I could not see it. I only noticed the man had a very strange ring on his right forefinger: the head of a red snake.

The man then opened the book and saw two names on it. But when I awoke, I couldn't recall the names. It started with the letter "J" for both names, and there were dates and names of places right after the names. 

Unfortunately,  I didn't remember them either.  

Then it was morning, and I went out of my room to have breakfast. But as I was about to enter the cafeteria, I noticed a tall man approaching me. I noticed the man was trying to smile as much as he could, but the eyes betrayed him; he had the saddest eyes I had ever seen before. 

 I didn't say anything, but the man began speaking to me.

"Good day, neighbor! I'm staying in the room next door. My name is James! "It's nice to meet you", he said cheerfully.

"Hello, James.  My name is......"( I came to a halt here because I couldn't recall my name.)

 But he continued, "Have a good day, Jasmine!" 

"Jasmine?" I believe I heard the name, but when and where?

Then I realized that I had seen two names on the book; JASMINE and JAMES. 

"So he's called James!? Am I Jasmine?"

"Is he the one who stole the book?".

But when I turned around, he was gone.  I went to the cafeteria and then went outside, but he was nowhere to be found.  I couldn't stop thinking about the man. 

After a while, I went back to my room. When I entered, I noticed a letter on my bed. 

It had to be from the guy who lived in the three-story house..........................................

The three-story houseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant