chapter 25-

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We were all sitting in the great hall it was the last day of school and it was fair to say that it had been an eventful year. I was sandwiched between Ginny and Hermione.

"Where will you stay?" Ginny asked me. She was on about my living arrangements after leaving Hogwarts for the summer.

"I'll probably stay with uncle Amos." I told her. I was going to live in the house by myself but no one would let me said it was to dangerous for me to live alone. Especially since my dad knew where it was. "Uncle Amos is about the only family I have left so it seems the best option to really. I don't want to stay with any remainder of my dads family." I told then simply.

"Has your uncle agreed?" Hermione asked looking at me. I think they were considering how he was still in his grief stage about Cedric he worked and everything but that was it he was like a Walking machine.

"I sent him an owl the day the order said I shouldn't live alone." I told them. "I still haven't had a reply from him but I'm sure it won't be a problem. I can look after him as well while I'm there so its a win win."

"Are you just going to show up, school ends in a couple of hours we will be home by tonight.

"Well I figure if I turn up on his door suitcases in hand he can't really turn me away can he I mean I'm family one of a fine few he has left. It will be good for us both."

"Well you know you can stay with is if you want, my even said so herself." Ginny said.

"Thanks Ginny I'll keep that in mind." I told her.

"And don't forget to write both of you." Hermione said. "I want to here everything no matter how big or how small."

"Of course Hermione how can we forget to write you always tell us before we leave." I said as I laughed.

I couldn't wait to see what another year with my friends would bring next year. No matter how big of a different it would probably be to our other years. I was quite worried about going to Amos' house but he's my uncle and blood is thicker than water.

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