Story - Clubstep learns how to fly

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*takes place 7 years before the bios (around March of 2014)*

*Sakupen Hell PoV*

"I have never been more honored, Robert Topala." I gushed. "I'll do a good job, I promise."

"I'm sure you will. But I warn you, Clubstep's rather... hyperactive, even for his age." Robtop replied.

As I flew to the house, I recalled that conversation. I was very excited. How could I not be? I had a chance to teach an official level to fly! 

When I reached my destination, Robtop and Clubstep were standing outside the door. 

"Good morning, Robert Topala." I said.

"Hello, Sakupen Hell. Thanks for coming." Robtop greeted. "Clubstep, he will be your flying instructor. Please listen to him."

"I will!" the 8-year-old replied. "Good morning, sir! My name is Clubstep!"

I smiled. He's so cute! I thought. "Good morning to you, too." I cheerfully smiled. 

Then, Robtop led us to an open field where we could practice at. After reminding Clubstep once again to behave himself, he went back into the house.

"Sir, are you really going to teach me how to fly?" Clubstep asked me. Almost immediately, I answered back. 

"Of course!" I replied. "But first, you must learn how to take off and land safely. Let's begin..."


- Clubstep PoV -

Today is the best day of my life! 

That day, I was going to learn how to fly. Robtop made me get up way earlier than my buddy, and quickly prepare myself. Then, we waited for my instructor, Sakupen Hell, to arrive. When he did, he was flying! I was impressed by the speed and grace which he did so. This made me all the more eager to start my lessons.

"Good morning, Robert Topala." my tutor greeted.

"Hello, Sakupen Hell. Thanks for coming." Robtop replied him. 

Then, he turned to me. "Clubstep, he will be your flying instructor. Please listen to him."

"I will!" I said. "Good morning, sir! My name is Clubstep!"

Sakupen Hell turned to me. "Good morning to you, too!" he replied.

After that, Robtop took us to a big field. He nagged at me to remember to behave myself, and then we started our lessons.

Firstly, I learnt how to take off from the ground. It was much harder than I thought. I soon realised that I couldn't simply flap my wings and fly. That would cause me to fall backwards. I needed to jump in a certain way for me to be able to take off smoothly. After many, many falls and many wobbly crashes, I finally managed to get the angle and timing right.

Then, I was instructed to land safely from a high place. I was supposed to take off, flap twice more, and land on the ground without having to flap a third time or falling down. At first, I was scared to go so high up. But soon, I got used to it. I learnt that the way to do so was to lean forwards a little bit to slow my fall, and take a single step backwards when my foot touched the ground.

Afterwards, it was time for Sakupen Hell to leave. 

"Did you like the lesson?" Robtop asked me. 

"Definitely! It was so fun!" I bounced.

"Good." Robtop smiled.


- Sakupen Hell PoV -

Over the next few months, I taught Clubstep many skills. First he learnt how to fly straight, then how to stop midair, then how to hover in place. After the basics were done, I decided to teach him how to dive and pull out safely.

Watching his learning journey, I was quite reminded of myself when I was younger. Eager to learn and fast to pick up. Clubstep had also taken to himself to learn tricks when I wasn't around, like doing loop-de-loops or flying on his back. 

I was amazed at how fast he picked up new skills. At the end of our sessions together, he had learnt much more than I had in twice that time. We had a lot of fun, too, what with airborne tag, or passing and catching, at the end of each session.

When I was about to leave, Clubstep looked at me with tears in his eyes. 

"Thank you so much, sir. I will forever remember all you have done for me." he murmured.

Those words have stuck with me ever since.


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