Dialogue - Hydroponic plants

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*takes place in the same year as the bios*

(In the lab)

Hexagon Force: Hey guys... I have an idea. 

Theory of Everything: What is it?

H.F.: We can set up a hydroponic garden.

Electrodynamix: *narrows eyes* And what might that mean?

H.F.: A kind of garden grown indoors which uses nutrient solution instead of soil. I thought you knew this already.

E.D.: *blushes* Of course. Just checking.

T.O.E.: *snickers*

E.D.: Hey! I really was!

T.O.E: Are you sure? 'Cause it looked like you may have forgotten it...

H.F.: Focus, guys!

T.O.E.&E.D.: *sighs*

Theory of Everything 2: I think that's a good idea, actually. The school could provide its own vegetables. Rather self-sustainable. 

Time Machine: ...Yeah. We'd be happy to help. Meeting on Friday?

T.O.E.: Good idea!

E.D.: Agreed.

H.F.: Thanks.

T.O.E.2: See you there.


*two days later*

H.F.: Good to see you're all here. *pulls out computer* I trust you all have done a little background research... I've prepared a short presentation on what I believe our roles to be.

The whole group: *crowds around H.F.'s computer*

H.F.: So uhh.. I'll work with Theory to create a good nutrient solution. Electrodynamix, you will work with Time Machine to do the frame and pump mechanism. Theory of Everything 2, you will work with Fingerdash, whom I have already asked, to create the presentation to introduce our idea to the rest of the school.

H.F.: I have already asked the teachers for permission to do this, and they've all agreed. So uhh... lets start work I guess?


*a few moments later*

T.O.E.: So from what I read, the plants will need mostly nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. What plants are we trying to grow again?

H.F.: We'll start out with lettuce and if it works fine, spinach and tomatoes. Celery is also a good idea. For now, let's focus on lettuce.

T.O.E.: *grabs bottles of chemicals from the shelf* Okay, so we will need to...


T.M.: *sits at his desk scribbling notes* So according to my calculations, the frame will need to be- 

E.D.: I don't give a goddam s*** about your calculations. Why don't we start work?

T.M.: This is work, and it needs to be done. Why don't you help by fetching us materials?

E.D.: ...Alright. *runs to the storeroom* 

T.M.: Such an insufferable, arrogant guy.


*online chat*

Fingerdash: So, what exactly are we supposed to do?

T.O.E.2: Hexa said that we were supposed to do a presentation to introduce our project on hydroponics to the school.

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