Notes - Powers

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Just some lore which I forgot to mention.

There are rare instances where levels uploaded to the server have powers assigned to them (aside from flight).

Usually, it is because their names have a special significane to it, or because the level has a very distinct personality to it. (e.g. Time Machine and Limbo)

Levels can also spontaneously pop up with unexplained powers. This happens more frequently the harder levels get, which means that the demonlist would have many superpowered levels.

The ones I know of now are shown below some are from GD Stupidity):

Time Machine (self explanatory, he can travel through time, stop time or make it move faster or slower. He doesn't know that yet, though...)

Limbo (has superhuman memory, can only forget things he specifically wants to)

Tartarus (controls emotions of other people.)

P.s. the reason I didn't include Time's power in the bios is because he doesn't know about it, yet.

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