Dialogue - The Levels beat themselves

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My scheduled chapter is taking too long... here is a chapter to keep you entertained in the meantime! (Backup chapter 1)

A/N: I'm attempting to rewrite a chapter from "What if..." (RisingFire's AU). However, the characters have been replaced with mine.

And... I 1 att-ed Clutterfunk. /\/\/\


If you haven't read that story, here's some things you need to know...

1. The levels know that they are levels in the game. They are familiar with the concept of levels, and can play themselves or others.

2. The levels are also familiar with terminology from the game, like secret coin, triple spike and others. As such, they understand the concept of difficulty and can relate to each other as such.

3. No Fingerdash/Dash/spinoffs.

4. The og chapter removed Geometrical Dominator. Idk why though.

And with that outta the way, lets get started...


Robtop: Alright, levels, I have a mission for you. You must complete yourselves or face death. Easy, isn't it?

Electrodynamix: Definitely.

Base: *kinda agrees but not quite*

Deadlocked: why are our lives always in danger-

ToE: Oookay. What's the timeframe?

Robtop: *reads from his clipboard* Stereo and Track have an hour, Polar, Dry and Base have two hours, Lettie and Jumper have three days, Time, Cycles and Blast have five days, Xstep, Theory and Electroman have a week, Clutter has ten days (A/N: lmao i beat it in an hour), Electrodynamix and Hexa have two weeks, and the demons have a month.

Clutter: *thinks: finally im not with Xstep*

Robtop: Umm... additionally, so you don't disturb others, those with different timeframes will be beating their levels in different rooms.

Clutter: Thank you so much Robtop!

Electrodynamix: Let's gooo~

ToE2: I'll miss you sis!

Robtop: And one last thing, at 10.30 pm, when I turn off the room lights, you all must go clean yourselves and go to bed. NO CHEATING. Or I'll cut your time in half.

Levels: Yes sir!

Robtop: So, without further ado, here are your timers. Go to your rooms and begin.


Stereo: *starts level*

Track: *starts level*

(2 min later)

Stereo: *level complete* bai people

Track: wha- *crashes* Dammit!


Dry: Let's go imma do this- *starts*

Polar: *starts*

Base: im not sure about this- *starts*

(after 15 mins)

Dry: I'm at my upside down part. Where yall at?

Polar: *shows Dry the black ship part*

Base: The part where it goes black in mine.

Dry: Nice. Too bad I haven't got one of those, unlike you two.


Jumper: It's nice having 3 whole days. Isn't it Lettie?

Lettie: Oh shut up. You won't be smiling when you die three days later. *starts level*

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