Story - The Vaults

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Plot: Spooky and Glubfub (formerly BooMoon and Octoomba) are creators who love to explore. They find a cave a fair bit off the north of Geometry City. Occurred just before 2.0 released.

A/N: Yes, I do play Mario. And yes, this is the cave from the setting of A Geometrical Adventure. No one lives there, though... or so everyone thought...


*9 years before the bios*

- PoV Octoomba/Glubfub -

I was out in the woods behind Geometry City one day when I stumbled upon an enormous cave entrance. I was shocked at my find. It wasn't every day that I would discover something as amazing as this, after all.

I noted down its location and ran back to the city, giddy with excitement. BooMoon would love to see this! I thought to myself. The moment I got to him, I immediately told him the good news.

"Moony! Guess what I found today!" I shouted.

"What?" BooMoon grinned.

"A new cave!" I explained. "It's somewhere north of here, I've got the coordinates."

"Good job. Let's go exploring it tomorrow, it's too late now. Unless you have plans?" BooMoon asked.

I shook my head. "No. So, tomorrow, 8.30 am, meet here?"

"Confirmed. Don't be late."


*the next day*

After we met up at our agreed spot, we immediately set out to the cave. I led the way, making sure we took the path I did yesterday and didn't get lost.

An hour in, we arrived at the mouth of the cave. It looked mysterious yet inviting, as if it was beckoning us to enter... Good thing that was what we were prepared to do.

We took out our flashlights and carbon monoxide detectors and secured ourselves to a tree at the entrance. Only when we had checked and double checked our safety procedures did we proceed into the cave.

Inside, it was completely silent and empty. We stuck close together as we walked. The light from the cave entrance dwindled and vanished, and eventually, all that was left was the dim lights from our flashlights.

I patted the rope around my waist, making sure it was still there. Thankfully, it was still firmly tied around me.

Slowly, I started to notice something off. There was a sort of haze in the cave... but how? There was no water, or fire, or anything to stir up dust other than ourselves.

Usually, the sight of haze or mist would send me panicking. An unidentified haze in such an enclosed place was a suffocation hazard.

However, I felt nothing. I should be more afraid, but the will to leave wasn't there. I kept walking forward, like I was unaware of the particles. It seemed like my partner was ignoring it, too...

I was walking for who knows how long, and I didn't know why. It felt like I was walking a familiar path, a habitual one. Almost like the road to school.

Suddenly, a voice shook me out of my thoughts. Stunned, I stopped in my tracks. My flashlight clattered to the ground and rolled aside, casting its beam against the cave wall.

"Hello. My name is Kairo... Who are you? How did you get here?" the figure asked.

"I... uhh..." I stuttered. I tried to recall those details. However, no matter how I tried, I couldn't reach them. I certainly remembered the city, and how I looked like, but I somehow couldn't remember my name. Or how I ended up here, for that matter...

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