Chapter 3 : The Key

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Sunday morning - *bizzt bizzt* notification bar showed 'new message'. Just out of the bath, I grabbed the phone to see who it was - Benny. Seems he tried reaching me thrice. Unplugging my charger, I called him back after changing to fresh clothes. The ring went on "Is he angry?" I thought. *Click* Ben answered the call.

"Hel-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence.

"Are you free? Did you see my message? If you are can we hangout?" I was bombarded with questions.

"I was in the shower I didn't check your message and I am free. Where do you wanna go?"

"Great. I have sent you the link to the place. It's called 'Rock n Blue'. It is an amazing place, newly opened with a lot of good reviews. Let's go."

"Sure, but I don't know where it is."

"Don't worry, Kenny. I'm on the way to your house. Dress up! I'll reach your house within 10 minutes."

"Got it. I'll be ready in a jiffy. Bye"

Our conversation ended and I quickly dressed up so that we could leave as soon as Ben arrived.

Just as he said Ben came home after 10 minutes. Waving goodbye to mum we left for Rock n Blue. On the way Ben described the place with pure excitement. "How did you find this place?" I asked. He explained that someone gave him the pamphlet for this place and later found that many gave amazing reviews, from online to even his classmates.

The bus came to a halt near our destination and now it was our turn to walk to the place. Rock n Blue had an amazing outdoor design, the colours were darker in shade. We clicked some pictures before entering. The interior was even more fascinating. Interior designing had always piqued my interest.

The menu card was designed in a way that it really felt like reading a fantasy story book and so we chose a dish that really looked like a fantasy. Our fantasy dishes arrived, the presentation amazed us and we clicked a lot of photos. Each of us took a spoonful, on the count of three we put it in our mouth. The flavours danced in our tongues and we melted. We felt drunk. (Still in High school, so no alcohol)

As we were melting away in every bite, I noticed a familiar silhouette, seated on the table behind Ben. "Dana....?" my thought slipped out of my mouth. *Flinch* Dana flinched and Ben's eyes grew wider. They were confused. Dana didn't know who called her and Ben didn't know who Dana was. Ben's curiosity made him scan the whole place, with a loud voice "Dana? That's what you said right? Who is Dana, Kent?" Ben cried.

This time Dana found where she heard her name. I tried sushing Ben and his loud voice but she caught on. She turned towards the direction of the voice. *Shocked* our eyes met. I couldn't move a muscle or speak, I completely froze. 'Awkward' filled the air. Dana broke it, "What a surprise to see you here, Kent! Are you out with your friend?" She said.

"It is a surprise. I'm sorry it must have been awkward for you."

"No, no, it's just caught me by surprise."

I introduced Ben as my best friend and Dana as my classmate to each other to mellow down the situation.

"Hello, Dana. It's a great pleasure to meet you." Ben greeted her in the most gentlemanly manner.

"It really is a great pleasure to meet you too, Ben" replied Dana.

"Did you come alone? Are you here to meet a friend?" I asked.

"Yes. I am waiting for my friend. But I guess he's running a bit late."

"Oh it's a he?" Slipped right out my mouth. It never crossed my mind that she may have friends who are boys too. I was back on the awkward train again. Gladly she didn't notice that.

"Yeah! His name is Jay. He's my childhood friend. I would love to introduce him to you someday."

A pause.

"Oh well." She continued "I guess he won't be able to make it today." Her face grew sad. Soon she waved goodbye and went back home.

We stared into space as the word 'silent' went above our heads. "Say, who was she?" Ben broke the silence.

"Do you remember me mentioning the girl who accompanied me on the field trip? That's her."

"Oh! The one who was crying her eyes out. So that's her."

"Benny don't say that. That's not nice."

"Sorry. Didn't mean anything bad. But... Do tell me Kenny."


"What was that expression you had on your face?"

"My face? I don't understand."

"You never talk to any girls and you definitely don't start a conversation with a girl who is your classmate. So what just happened now?"

"Don't paint me like I have a phobia for girls. The only reason I don't talk with them is cause, I'm afraid they might confess."

I could see Ben having a lot of questions in his mind. To answer that I continued,

"I thought Dana might also be one of those girls who make a move to profess their love. But she isn't and I found that out at the field trip. Does that answer all the questions in your mind?"

"Hmm... It does but not all of them."

"I'm thirsty. I'm gonna get a cola. Do you want one?" I changed the topic. Ben grew silent. Later, after two cups of soda he came back to normal.

We walked back to the bus stop after that hearty meal and Ben apologized for throwing a lot of questions. He felt really bad. As we were returning home Ben said " I know that you might get upset. But I will say this, I think she is the key."

I clearly did not understand what he was trying to say. I was confused. Benny started to talk about his silly encounters during his field trip. We laughed uncontrollably at his silliness.

That night, I laid down on my bed, my eyes filled with exhaustion to the brim.

"Expression....Key....I really don't get it..."

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