Chapter 6 : Reconcile

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Several days have passed already since I witnessed 'that scene' and it did pop up in my mind from time to time. I couldn't focus on my studies or on my extra curricular activities. I didn't contact or talk to Ben since I hit him. My mind was restless, bombarding with lots of thoughts and questions.

"I bet he is angry. I mean, I did hit him without even giving a reason why I did that. I'm sure he is furious.
But! I am too! He put strange thoughts into my head.
But still I feel sorry for hitting him." My mind was contradicting, but I knew I had to apologise to him and give him an explanation why I did that. I took out my phone and got Ben's number but I just couldn't call because the thought of him being angry and not wanting to pick up my call was stopped me. In the end I didn't make that call.

Got dressed up and went downstairs "Mum, I'm leaving." I said as I waved her goodbye. "Okay. Be careful, Ricky." She replied back.

I started to walk and as I did I wondered what would be a great place to hang out alone. Sometimes I like to hang out alone at a quiet place where I can enjoy watching nature. My number one go-to place was the park since I liked to sit on the swing and let my mind be calm. But that place turned into a place where I don't wanna visit again. I kept walking trying to find a place to hang out.

My feet stopped moving when I came across a quite familiar shop
'Panda's Dream Cakes'
I suddenly realised that this is the cake shop that me and Ben always frequented since middle school. I was reminded of Ben and my guilt came back. Ben always loved eating their Vanilla mousse cake with raspberry topping and he would never miss sticking two choco wafer rolls into his cake slice.

"That sweet tooth Benny, I bet if he was here he would be buying that cake. Guess I'll just hang out here today." I muttered to myself.

"Duh! Obviously!" A shadow emerged from behind and pounced on me. My feet stumbled and my heart jumped out of my chest.

"Benny!" I exclaimed. The next thing I knew I was on the ground.

"You know I love cakes and duh I'll be buying that cake again! Cause I am a sweet tooth. You are the one who game me that name." Ben continued.

Ben stood near me laughing at me for giving the most funniest expression. His height seemed towering, but I knew we were the same height. He must have seemed big because I was on the ground. Ben helped me up after clicking some photos of my embarrassment.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked.

"More like you didn't notice me. Replied Ben. "I came to hang out with you. I was right outside your house when you came out but you didn't see me and I was walking behind you, following you."

"Why didn't you call out to me?" I asked

"What's the fun in calling you out when I wanted to scare you. Your expression was priceless! Mission successful." Ben laughed out loud, lively as usual.

"Did you really come to hang out? Or to take revenge?"

"Hm?" Ben was confused

"Well... I did hit you without giving any reason why. I thought you were mad at me."

"Oh! I remember!" He exclaimed.
"Why did you hit me? I had no idea what was going on. You disappeared in an instant." He continued.

"Sorry..." I felt really apologetic.

"Fine. You wanna explain to me why you did that? Let's eat some cake as I listen to your reason."

Ben went in as I followed him. Since I wanted to apologise I let him choose whatever he wanted to eat and Ben ordered happily. Soon the table was filled with different cakes.

"Hmm... So, tell me, what was the reason?"

My thoughts were backed up and Ben was the only person I could talk to. I came out clean and filled in on what happened. I started from the beginning to the incident I witnessed at the park and the reason why I kicked him. Ben was bombarded with a lot of information that he stopped functioning for the whole time I explained. He too felt apologetic and added that he was just teasing me. I, on the other hand knew that he was teasing me but I still didn't know why it got to my head. We were filled with different emotions.

"So, what are you planning on doing?" Ben questioned.

"Plan on doing what?"

"Your feelings for Dana! Are you going to confess? It is better to let her know rather than keeping it to yourself."

"What?! No! How can I? I just told you that I saw her with her lover at the park. I can't possibly confess."

"Who is her lover?"

"It's Jay. I have met him once already when he came to our school to take Dana home."

"You met him?!"

"Yeah. I sensed that their relationship was more than friends and I was right when I saw them both at the park."

"That's true, but still you only saw them kissing their hands. Friends do that. You said that she was crying and maybe he did that to console her. That might be one of the reason."

I remained silent

"Kiss on the hand doesn't really mean they are lovers. Kenny I think you do have a chance. Maybe the spark you sensed between them was nothing but them just being good friends."

I couldn't reply to Ben because I clearly saw Dana's eyes and in her eyes he didn't reflect as just a best friend. She had feelings for him. Ben didn't see, it was me who saw the expression she made when she was in his arms.

The conversation didn't come to an end but our stomachs growled with all the cake infront of us. My emotions were really out of control and Ben noticed that.

"Okay. I still haven't accepted your apology. Let's go to another place. This time I will lead the way, you will follow me."

"More? Dude, choose a less expensive place. I already spent a lot on the cakes. Please?"

"No worries, I too have money and it's not much expensive. I am just eager to see your expressions when we go there."

Huh? What? I'm scared now. What are you trying to pull?

Ben smirked "You'll see. Come on let's go!"

**Note: Ben is a hyper active kid. He doesn't keep his sentence short. He always asks a lot of questions and speaks quite fast. Kent on the other hand is a quiet kid, doesn't talk much but likes to listen.
Kent likes to listen to Ben talking as he finds Ben to be adventurous and funny.**

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