Chapter 5 : The Ache

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My mind started to run wild and it was all Ben's fault! I was sure to give him some hard slaps on his back, fortunately for him, I was busy and couldn't meet with him. I couldn't face Dana. Every time I saw her my face grew hot and I felt a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. It started to turn into a reflex every time I made contact with her.

Bell rang - Lunch Time! - I was hungry, my stomach cried for food since the last hour. Cafeteria food was the best! Cause I was famished. It didn't really matter if it was fast food or cafeteria food, I needed to eat something. My mouth watered as I grabbed my lunch and that's when I spotted the cause of all my problems standing there looking into space without any idea of how I was suffering.

The anger suppressed by hunger broke out. My feet felt my anger too as I started to walk towards him. My breath, hot and heavy with anger. Went behind him and gave a powerful kick right on his calf. Ben lost balance and fell flat on his face.

"OUCH!!! WHO WAS THAT?!" Ben cried.

Groaning in pain he turned around and saw me standing with the most scariest face ever.

"Kent?! What was that for? Why did you hit me?"

Without giving him a reply I stomped his butt hard and walked away. Ben was in confusion as he didn't know what really happened and why he was kicked and stomped.

"Oww.... Hey! Kent! Why did you do that for? Where are you going? Wait up!" He shouted.

I didn't wait for him. Walked as fast as I could and went to my usual place, my safe place. It's a place that no one frequents and is surrounded by trees. I calmed myself and tried to cool off my mind. My hunger seemed to have settled down but I couldn't waste the food. So, I pushed down the food into my stomach. I didn't have any plans of telling Ben why I did that to him.

My behaviour towards Ben, it made me feel bad for doing those things to him. I didn't meet with Ben nor did I reply to his messages or calls. After school, I didn't really want to head home, so I took a detour to a park to clear my mind of these useless feelings. It was already dark and the park was very quiet. Swings really made me get things out of my mind. I swayed back and forth and thought about the incidents that happened this past week. Good thing I bought my headphones that I wanted to disconnect from the real world. Music played inside my ears as I rode the swing for quite a while.

It was getting late, I didn't want to worry mum. Jumped down from the swing and grabbed all the stuff. It was so late that the insects started to make noise. I didn't worry about walking back home when it was dark because the park was near my home. As I started to head back home, I caught a glimpse of a couple seated on a bench under the street light. Parks are usually a place for couples to frequent. I didn't mind them and walked forward, as I moved forward the murmurs of the couple sounded familiar. But I couldn't put a finger on who it exactly was.

Trying to ignore it I walked past them only to find that the familiar voice I heard was Dana and the other person was Jay?!

A sharp pain ran through my chest. I couldn't breathe.
I wanted to runaway.
But why?! I didn't know why I felt these emotions that I have never felt before.

I was in the dark and they in the light. I stood there looking at them but they didn't notice me standing there. I saw that Dana's eyes were red and filled with tears. Her cheeks were red like a cherry. As her tears overflowed Jay's hand moved in to wipe them away. His hands covered her whole face when he gently grabbed Dana's cheeks. He tried to wipe all her tears away. Dana held Jay's hand firmly as she shifted to kiss the back of his hand and held it close to her. Jay, in return leaned forward and delicately kissed her eyes and cheeks.

Standing there my eyes felt hot and foggy. My sight blurred. I kept thinking in my mind

"This is all just a dream. Wake up!"

I squished my eyes only to notice that I was crying. Quickly i wiped them away.

"It's getting late. I have to get back home." But there was no end to my tears as they gushed out non-stop. I glanced for the last time and there I saw Dana's most genuine smile directed towards Jay as they embraced. I started to run back home.

"It hurts....hurts very bad..."

Before I knew it I was at my doorstep yet I couldn't open the door. My mind was bombarding with questions. I didn't know what to tell my mum and dodging her was impossible.

*Clack* *door opens*

My mum opened the door. She saw that I had been crying.

"Ricky? Honey? What happened? Your eyes and face are swollen."

I couldn't think of what to say. It was so sudden.

".... nothing... I'm doing fine ma."

I ran up to my room. The image of Dana kissing Jay and their embrace kept on repeating. I buried my head into the pillow and tried hard to stop my tears and ease my aching chest.

*Knock knock*

"Ricky? You awake? Can I come in?"

I hastily wiped my tears and changed my voice to let her know I am fine. "Come in. I am up." I replied.

Mum came in with a hot cup of chocolate milk and sat beside me. Her hand patted my head gently. Her caress reduced the ache I felt in my chest. I didn't want to open up just yet. I knew that mum was worried, wanting to know why I was crying and that was the reason she came to my room.

"I fought with Benny." I started.

"Hmm? Why? What caused you to fight?" Mum questioned back.

"It was a stupid fight. But I got mad at him. I am very sorry."

"Hmm... Tomorrow say that to Ben. Honey, it's okay Benny will definitely understand. Best friends always fight for simple things and that's what makes the friendship grow stronger. I'm positive that tomorrow will be different."

I held mum's hand tightly. But I knew that mum wouldn't buy that and she'd know that there is something bothering me and it wasn't what I said to her.

My caring mum called me to have dinner. But I refused.


I was dragged down by mum and forced to have dinner.


Note to readers: "Breakfast, lunch and dinner is something that should not be missed!" - K Mum

Unrequited Love : A Boy's ViewOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora