Chapter 7: The Fair

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We left the bakery and walked towards a new destination. Ben didn't give me any clue where we were going next. He asked me to follow him and that's what I did. Like a lost puppy I followed him to the bus stop and got on a bus that took us to the fair. The fair was trending that many people from different places were visiting.

"A fair?" I questioned in disbelief "that's why you didn't tell me where you were taking me. Seriously Benny?"

"Aw. Come on don't give me that look. Fairs are fun. A great place to release some stress and tension." Ben replied confidentially.

"Dude! Fairs are for little kids. We are in high school. This is beyond embarrassing!"

Ben's face grew sad as I said those words. I felt weak and let him win this one time.

"Fine! let's go inside." I said and Ben's expression did a 180. He started to skip as we walked in. His footsteps full of happiness.

The fair was filled with a lot of people and since it was a weekend it was really swarming with people. This was the biggest fair compared to all the fair that took place over the years. This time they took it up a notch by bringing in bigger rides like roller coaster, rocking ship and even a free fall. Many people visited the fair just for the rides. There were many shops too, food, accessories, gameing, activities and many more. There were a lot and we couldn't visit every shop because the fair was big and there were a lot of people.

Ben dragged me everywhere except one place, the big rides. Big rides, scary rides and fast rides were all my thing. Ben on the other hand is a scaredy cat when it comes to this. I know I didn't feel much excited when I first came but the moment I saw these huge rides I became interested. So I made up my mind, I will be getting on every one of them.

Food shops were the only ones that Ben ran into. His hands were already full of food. I already crafted a plan to drag Ben to all the  rides, so I took all the food from him and put it in a bag.

"You are not supposed to eat. Cuz we are going to be getting on all of these rides." I snatched the bag away.

"What? No... but... Please don't... Spare me Kenny please. You know I am afraid of them." Ben broke out into cold sweats.

Ben had to agree because that's the only way he can get his food back and now it was my turn.
*Evil laugh*

Since there were a lot of people we didn't get to go to every ride. All the rides had long queues. But I made up my mind I had to try the roller coaster, Rockin' ship, haunted  mine, free fall and the Ferris wheel even if I had to wait for an hour to enjoy the ride.

I started off with the ride that had the shortest queue, Rockin' ship. I saw that many people didn't get on this ride because it was small compared to the ones at the theme parks. Still Ben's legs were jelly no matter what size the ship was. We sat at the tip of the ship because the tip reaches higher. The scaredy cat next to me squeezed his eyes shut and held onto my hands tightly and everytime the ship reached the highest point he was the loudest. I couldn't hold my laughter. I imitated him as we got down the ship and Ben was sulking.

Moving on, it was time to ride the Roller coaster. Ben's eyes and mouth opened wide with fear.        "No.. please, anything but that..." Ben froze.

"No excuses, it's either this or we are going into the haunted mine. I know you are more afraid of ghosts." I said.

Ben whined like a little puppy as we moved forward in the line. It was now our turn to ride. We got the front seat. Ben couldn't move so I dragged him and made him sit down. He glued himself to me and squeezed my hand tightly.

"Come on Benny. You are in high school. Look behind you there are girls sitting. Who knows one of them maybe your future girlfriend. Are you going to cry like this in front of them?"

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