Chapter 9 : Sweat Drops Are Scary

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"Benny? Dana?" I whispered "Who could it be?"

"Sorry to disappoint you Kent, it's neither of them." Said the person.

"Alina?!" I exclaimed "H-How? But why? I mean, what are you doing here? Don't you have school? It's a school day." I babbled as I bombarded her with questions.

Alina laughed.

"Slow down, Kent. I will answer all your questions patiently and unlike what happened at the infirmary." She said.

"You were real right? You were nowhere when Ben came in and I really thought I was talking to a ghost."

Alina laughed out loud.

"Whoa! Slow down cowboy. You are too excited. Relax I just said I will answer to all your questions." Alina calmed me down.

"Kent offer our guest a seat. Look she has been standing for a long time. I will bring some snacks." Mum said.

I pulled out the chair from my study table and offered her a seat. I asked mum to bring in the snacks later but she insisted that she will bring the snacks first and then we can talk to our hearts content. Soon mum brought the snacks and I was ready with all the questions. Alina stayed silent the whole time. Mum left after serving Alina some snacks and drinks.

"I'll be downstairs. Call me if you need anything. Okay?" Mum said as she left.


"Please make yourself comfortable. I have a lot of questions." I said.

Alina chuckled, "Yes, I can see it on your face. Fire away!"

"First, you did visit me at the infirmary right? You were gone like a wind that made me wonder did I really talk to you." I started.

Alina looked at me like is that the first question you want to ask and nodded Yes.
"Yes. I came to see you. I jumped out the window once I heard the door open because I thought it was a teacher." She replied.

"How did you get into our school? You were also wearing our school's blazer. How?" I asked

"I visit your school a lot. I always come to see my dad."

"Your Dad...?"

"Yes" She continued "My dad is your school nurse. That day, I came to your school to give my dad something he forgot but I tripped over and got my blazer dirty. Dad took it to clean and that's when I saw you sleeping. I asked him what happened and he said that you had fainted and was running a fever. I called out to you after my dad left and the reason I vanished was because dad asked me to go back but I didn't."

I got to know that Alina's father was our school nurse, that was a surprise. Soon I moved on to my next question.
"Okay, how did you find my house?" I asked

"I live in this street, silly." Moving towards the window she pointed at a house and said "You see that lavender coloured house. That's our house. We live adjacent to you."

Surprise after surprise and I was glitching like a robot, taking in all that information.

*Knock knock* Mum entered the room and asked Alina to stay for Lunch.
"I'll let your mum know you will be staying for Lunch." Mum said.

I looked at my mum with a look that said 'you know her?' And Mum looked back with a look that said 'of course, she is our adjacent neighbour. Be nice!'. I looked, 'Seriously?'. Mum raised her eyebrow and left the room.

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