Chapter 8: A Person? Or A Ghost?!

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Weekends ended and it was Monday again.

My sleep was interrupted and I woke up much earlier, before my alarm could go off. I didn't know why I woke up early, must be because of a dream that I was dreaming, which I don't remember. Dreams disappear as soon as I wake up so I never remember.

Washing my face I looked up, in the mirror I saw myself. I was taken back "Is this me? Why do I look so pale?" I asked myself and answered it must be because of sleep deprivation. My hair was unruly and sticking up all due to me having a disturbed sleep. But it's nothing a little sprinkle of water can't fix.

I got onto my bathtub. My mind was full of thoughts that I spaced out while taking a bath. All the events that happened at the fair flashed before me. Alina's words
"You have feelings for that person..." Kept on repeating. I was sure I kept my emotions on check, never really knew someone might find it out. I was more suprised that Ben never noticed it but a person I hardly know found out.

I pulled my head into the water to stop myself from thinking about it but her words and confidence were etched into my mind.

"I too have feelings for someone..."

She said she too shares the same feeling. Maybe that's why she talked to me. Same feeling as me? An unrequited love? My heart felt heavy, maybe she wanted to talk to someone. But I sent her away rudely. I should have heard her out. I bet she didn't have anyone to share with. I started to curse my mouth and emotions for not hearing her out and lashing out on her.

My thoughts took up a lot of time and my bath time became way longer than usual. Dizziness started to kick in and I knew it was time I got out. I felt lightweight and heavy at the same time. Still, I carried myself to school. I was restless all through the day as I kept on yawning away that It became a nuisance. I even got scolded by a teacher to go out and wash my face. I couldn't concentrate on class even though I tried really hard.


Benny came running to my class and called me out to have lunch by the rooftop. I grabbed my lunch and walked with Ben to have my meal. We reached the rooftop only to find I left my water at my table. I stood up quickly to go grab my bottle from the table. The next thing I saw was stars and a pitch black void.

I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar ceiling. Not knowing what happened I looked around and saw Ben and Dana seated near the foot of my bed.

"Ben?" I called out, my voice feeble and sick. Ben rushed to my side bombarding me with questions.

"Kenny? You awake? How are you feeling? Still dizzy? You want some water?"

I shook my head "I am good. I'm not dizzy or anything. Where am I? What happened?"

Dana walked towards me "You're in the school infirmary. You fainted, Kent. Do you remember?"

I shook my head again "No I don't..."

"I tried to wake you up but you didn't. So I took you to the infirmary. The school nurse said that you are having a fever. Good thing you woke up. I will let the nurse know that you woke up." Ben said as he left.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked.

"About an hour." Dana replied.

Soon the school nurse came in. He checked my temperature and let me know that I was still having fever. He told me to rest more and asked Dana and Ben to return to class. I waved them good bye and went back to sleep. I was fast asleep soon.


*Tick tick tick tick tick*


Unrequited Love : A Boy's Viewحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن