Chapter 10 : Emotional Support

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My cloudy weather passed away and I was healthy to go back to school. Since I had a fever for two days, I missed most of the classes and Ben told me that Dana had taken notes for me. I wanted to give her my gratitude as soon as I reached class.

Dana was standing near my seat looking out the window, enjoying the cold breeze blowing in. I wanted to play a little prank, so I sneaked up behind her, went close to her ear and said "Dana, Good Morning". She turned suddenly with a jerk, her eyes full of fear. I felt sorry and started apologising instantly. I could tell from her face, something was wrong and it was not because of me pranking her. I politely asked her if she was okay, she shifted to her seat as she nodded. But I was not convinced.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked.

She nodded "Yes" again and handed me the notes she had written. I was not convinced yet, but I couldn't ask her anymore as class started and the teacher had entered.

I tore a piece of paper off my note and wrote "I am always here for you." Folded it into four and tossed it Dana. She opened the little note, a gentle smile emerged on her face as she turned to me and gestured okay. A tingling sensation went down my spine and I quickly turned towards the blackboard. I could feel my face turning warm. I stole a glance at Dana secretly and *bam* the same tingling sensation happened again. I closed my eyes tightly and told myself not to get distracted during class.


Break time - Dana came up to me,
"Do you have a minute? Can I talk to you?" She said.

"Sure Dana." I replied.

She suggested that we should go to a place with no people and the place we thought of was the rooftop. "Kent." She slowly opened up. "You know I have never talked about my family matters to you right? The only person who knows everything about my situation is Jay. I see you as a really important friend and I want to share something with you."

I know I just got friend-zoned but I was happy because she wanted to open up to me. "I'm all ears Dana. I'm really happy to hear you out." I said.

"My family situation is kinda complicated. My father passed away when I was just 5 and my mother remarried when I was 7. My step dad has never once mistreated me or my mum. Even when sickness took over her he was by her side until she left. He still has to pay a lot of debts. You know, among all these debts he never misses paying my school fee." She started to cry as she shared her past. To make her feel relieved I patted her shoulder and calmed her down. I didn't utter a word as I listened.

"Even though I am not a biological daughter to my father he still looks after me like his own child and I love him very much." She paused and looked straight at me.

"Something happened and I didn't tell my father. I don't wanna burden him more. Kent you have to promise me you will not say anything to my father about what I'm going to say to you now."

I assured her and gave my word that I will not do so.

"Mr. Harth, the P.E teacher smacked me in the back. This didn't happen once but a couple of times. It made me uncomfortable that I wanted to tell a teacher but he threatened me using my father."

I boiled with anger the moment I heard it. "Did he touch you inappropriately? When did this happen?"

Dana nodded, "Just recently, two Tuesdays before. And I also heard that he has bullied and acted inappropriately to other girls too, even to girls from other schools." This really poured more fuel to my anger. I wanted to know that if she had told Jay about this and she replied she didn't. Dana also added that if Jay had known he would have barged in and bashed the teacher. I completely agree to Jay's action because that's what I would also do. Dana pleaded that she didn't want to involve her father into this. I assured her that I will not open this to anyone and stayed with her till she became normal.

"Thank you Kent for listening to me, I wanted to talk to someone about this, I feel like something has lifted off my chest. I couldn't ask for more than you being by my side." Dana leaned on me as she said those words.

To those words I let her know that, "If there is something called as Karma, I'm sure that nasty person of a teacher will soon be fired."

To our surprise, a week later, Mr. Harth was caught red handed touching a student inappropriately. The school management found out through the CCTV cameras and suspended him immediately.


Dana came running to me when she came to know that the PE teacher was caught and suspended. She hugged me tightly and cried tears of joy and relief. My heart was beating loud, I could hear my own heartbeat down my throat and really wondered if Dana might also hear it if I was not careful. I wasn't ready to confess my feelings yet so I tried to mask my feelings and emotions and forced myself to be an emotional support for Dana cause right now that's what she needed.

I wiped away all her tears and looked in her eyes, "Do you feel relieved now?"

She smiled brightly as she said "Yes!" That bright smile burned my heart. It was the same bright smile I saw at the park and I became happy and my feelings overflowed once again. It felt like the gap between us began to shrink and my feelings for her refreshed which made me change my mind to actually consider confessing my feelings to her.

Since Mr. Harth was suspended our PE class scheduled for today was changed to self study time and our Homeroom teacher came instead. Upon entering the class he said that the PE classes will be taken over by other teachers until they find a suitable PE teacher. He also informed that legal actions will be taken and if any student was assaulted by Mr. Harth, was asked to meet the counselor. He added that if any student ever felt assaulted or bullied by teachers or even other students they should speak up and never stay silent.

That evening, after school Dana came up to me and said "Kent I'm going to talk to the counselor. I have made up my mind."

I encouraged her, "You never did anything wrong to hide yourself. It's him who should hide in guilt, Dana." She waved goodbye and left to meet the counselor.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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