Chapter 4: The Meeting

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Weekends ended and it was Monday again, the start of a new month. Our seats change at the start of every month and now it was that time. Seat arrangement of Hill and Dale High was done through lot. Students who get the window side were labelled lucky. I always wanted to sit by the window. Me being the romanticist, I wanted to feel the thrill of sitting near the window and feel the wind graze as my thoughts get lost in space. *A little note for the readers, I know, I'm a romanticist but that doesn't mean I want romance. Okay, back to the story.*

It was now my turn to pick the lot. Crossing my fingers I picked up the bit of paper. I was too scared, never been scared like this even when I watched a horror movie, passed the paper to the teacher.

"Third row, first column." Said the teacher.

Yes! Finally! The seat I wished for. My wish came true. Filled with happiness to the brim I moved to my seat.

"Looks like we are neighbours." My eyes grew wide as I turned around to see who was that. "Dana!" I exclaimed. Dana's seat was next to mine. That really caught me by surprise but I'm happy to be sitting near a friend. With our newly assigned seats the class started.

Break Time!

"How was your visit to Rock n Blue?" Dana asked.

"I really loved it! I mean it was definitely a place I will visit again. It was amazing from the interior design to their varieties of food, I could go on and on." I was really excited, didn't really know why but I guess it's the seat.

"I was really impressed with their food." Dana replied.

"Were you able to meet your friend after that day?" I asked.

"Yes, actually I met him on the same day. I called him several times but he didn't pick up. So, I went to his house directly."


"You know what I saw?"

"What?" I was scared.

"He was sick! Sick! I told him the day before to take his cold medicine. He didn't and I went to his home to see a sick person."

"So that's the reason why he couldn't make it."

"Yeah and since he lives alone, I had to nurse him back. Jay didn't even let his parents know."

Our conversation fell short as the bell rang and the next class started. The day was filled with classes and activities and tests. Afternoon, the sky started to become dark and soon it came pouring down. We had PE today but our PE teacher asked us to stay back in our class. Sitting by the window and experiencing the rain was both romantic and messy. Loved the weather but got wet, so I closed the window.

The PE teacher insisted, let us not waste this time and play some games indoors. He said he has a great game. First, we were paired up, Dana was the one sitting next to me so we were a pair. Then, the teacher asked to move all the table to a corner. He chose 5 pairs, me and Dana were one of them. The chosen pairs had to hold hands and stand like a door. The remaining students formed a line like a snake. The teacher called this game 'Snake and Doors'.

The snake had to enter each door. Once the snake entered all the five doors. The height of the door lowered. The catch was when the snake entered the door the students (snake) are not supposed to let go of the hand, must be held at all times. If they let go the size of the snake becomes small. If a student lets go of his grip the student and the students behind him will be out of the game. The same went for the doors. The doors had to keep holding hands. If they let go of their partner's hand that door is out of the game. It was mainly Snakes vs Doors.

It took us some time to understand the game but as it progressed it was fun and filled with laughter. In the first round the snake got cut and in the final round the doors won. Dana and I were the winners. It was really fun that we wanted to play more but time was over and it was the next hour.

Holding Dana's hands I noticed my heart beating fast and I became conscious of it. Slowly I removed my hands and pulled my table back to its spot. It took some time for my heart to come back to normal.

*Ding-ding-ding-dong* the last bell rang and school was over. Time to go home, my favourite part of going to school. "Umm...excuse me..." A boy standing by the gate called me. "Yes?" I said.

"Which grade are you?" He asked.

"Grade 11.." I was clearly confused.

"Oh! That's great! I'm not a suspicious person. I am waiting for my friend. They are also in grade 11. I would like to know if they came to school today."

"Oh... Can you tell me their name?"

"Yeah, her name is Dana Wills."

"Dana? She is present today. But how do you know her?" My confusion grew bigger. Thoughts ran all over my head.

"I'm her friend." He was cool and confident and seemed a bit older in age.


"Jay!" I heard Dana shout. Our heads turned towards her. "Kent? You're here too?"

"Yeah, he was asking if you came today. Do you know him?" I replied

"Yes, this is my friend Jay. Jay this is my classmate Kent."

"Jay?! Your childhood friend Jay?"

"Yup" Dana nodded. Jay's face changed from cool to confused.

I apologised for my rude behaviour and greeted Jay again.

"Dana has told me many things about you. It's finally great to see you."

He was mature and greeted me back. We chatted and I asked how he was feeling because Dana was worried about him.

We parted ways and I walked back home. I felt tight in my chest as the memories of today's game flashed on my mind. I didn't know why but I was angry at Ben. I cursed him as I reached home.

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