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Your P.O.V

Our flight landed in Nevada right on schedule. We got off and got our luggage. When we finally waved down a taxi, we told him to take us to Nevada's Boarding School for Girls. He looked like he might puke, but he took us there anyway. Once we got there, we payed our fee, thanked him and walked a few steps away from the car.

Liza: " He was a nice guy, wasn't he? "

No sooner than she said that the door slammed and the cab sped away.

" That can not be a good sign. "

Liza: " O, you're just being paranoid Tori. "

" I don't know Liza. I've had a, well not really a bad feeling. Just a feeling that something is going to happen. "

Liza: " Yeah stuff is going to happen. Were going to walk through those doors, have four normal years of high school and graduate with our class. Then live where ever we want. "

" That fun "

Liza gave me a closed eye smile: " It'll be loads. "

We walked up to the big wooden doors and pulled and the old fashioned knock.

A lady that looked like she could be in her 70's greeted us.

??: " Come in, come in. I'm so glad you chose our wonderful school. "

I thought: " Well it wasn't much of a choice for us really and you call this place wonderful? There's not a drop of color in this whole room besides the clothes were wearing. You lady, are aperently nuts. "

The lady then turned her head to look at me, like i had said all that out loud or something. Which i'm pretty sure i haven't opened my mouth at all.

Liza: " I'm so exited to be here, but we are tired from our long trip. "

The (lady which i'm going to guess is the headmaster or something) : " Oh, i am so sorry! I should have thought of that. Here let me show you to your rooms. "

Liza: " Thank you. "

I rolled my eyes before following them.

There were so many hallways and they all looked exactly the same. It took us maybe 13 minutes to get to our room. I however was completely lost to how we got here. There was just no way for me to retrace my steps.

The headmaster opened the door for us to walk inside. A quick look around let me see a bed, 2 dressers and a bathroom with a shower. Everything was still in the same greys and dark dreary colors. Not much of anything really.

Headmaster: " Classes begin at 8:00a.m sharp tomorrow morning. Your schedules are in your top dresser drawers. I'll be hear in the morning to show you to your class room. Your uniforms will be delivered later tonight. "

and she left shutting the door behind her.

I walked over and tried the knob. Just as i thought, it was locked.

Liza: " What's the matter? "

" Well for starters were in a boarding school. There's not a speck of color, like anywhere. Were going to have to wear a school uniform and were locked in our room like were prisoners. "

Liza: " Ok then? You are definitely in a bad mood. "

Very sarcastically " No really, how long did it take you to figure that out? "

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