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Your P.O.V

Ok, yeah the beginning doesn't have much detail, but after what i've been through. I'm surprised to be alive, let alone able to remember much.

So anyway, i realized that our adventured had only just begun. When Stan had turned on the dangerous/ deadly looking things. Liza and i were stunned, just staring at it. Then Stan decided to be a jerk and give us a shove. Both of us ended up tripping. I was going to yell at Stan, but as soon as we stood up sharp objects were already flying by us. I figured i would save that for later.

I'll bet Liza and i looked absolutely ridiculous, trying not to be killed by whatever we were dodging. Neither of us had ever been able to move so fast or been able to tell if something was coming at us. I guess that's what adrenaline can do.

Don't get me wrong, but the experience was fun except for the almost dieing every three seconds. When we finally made it to the other side, Stan applauded us. I looked at him like he was absolutely nuts. While trying to catch our breaths Stan decided to confuse us even more.

Stan: " Very impressive, very impressive indeed. "

(in between gasps) : "! "

Liza (same as me) : "We..almost...died! "

: " Repeatedly! "

Stan being just as calm as ever: " Well, your time is close to the top record and you made it out with just a few scratches. "

: " Say what now? "

Stan: " For your first time this was very impressive. Normally trainees never finish, they end up in our intensive care for a couple of months. "

Liza and i gulped. What the heck did we just get into?!

After that a few months went by pretty quick. We kept training and we were getting much better. Some how we became the top students. Liza and i shattered the course record a week after the first time we had tried it by a good few minutes. No one could even come close to the record we set.

Now we had just finished sparing with some of the other trainees. We had barely broken a sweat. I guess that's what the daily training was for. We learned how to move silently and how to knock people out with out a sound. It was pretty darn cool, at least to me anyway. Liza was enjoying herself with it to. Come to think of it i think we trained for almost a year, before the incident happened.

Stan came up to us after we had finished our sparing. We looked at him with small smirks. He just shrugged.

Stan: " I think were ready. "

Liza: " You think our training is complete? "

Stan: " I didn't say that, but we don't have the time for you to finish. They have moved up their attack. "

Liza: " You know, you never really told us what their attack was. "

: " Or ours for that matter. "

Stan sighed: " This will take awhile. Their main attack will be used through technology. Basically a brainwash. Our plan is to sneak in and put a virus in their hard-ware in the main system. It would take them at least a couple of years to fix. "

: " If their attack is brainwash through computer screen or something, why do they have so many agents? "

Stan: " The agents are back-up if it fails or to enforce the strength of them after the attack. "

 Liza: " Either way it doesn't seem to good. "

To me she did look worried, but not to much. You could still see the fight in her eyes.

: " Don't worry, how every many there is we will take them down. "

I gave Liza a smile, she nodded. Then we both turned to Stan and said " Were ready. "

Their attack had moved up into just next week. Which didn't give us much time to prepare. We only had 3 days. Not much, i know but we weren't going to let it stop us.

The sun now almost set, darkness of night starting to come.

Liza shivered: " I....i don't know about this. "

I gave her a comforting hug and said " Don't worry, well kick their butts for sure. "

She gave me a small smile, which i guess meant thanks.

I thought in my head, counting down, know we would all head out any second. A quick shrill whistle went through the air. Our group 17 in all, including me and Liza, bolted across the clearing in front of the school. Some one threw a device, similar to the one Stan had used, when helping us escape from this place.

An explosion and 2 seconds later we were all inside, After splitting into 4 groups, we ran down different halls, trying to find the control room. Where we could stop the Evil people ( who we still didn't even have a name for. Seriously what evil organization doesn't have a name for themselves ) from brain washing the country.

Anyway Liza and i were a group by ourselves ( of course ), running down a hall turning down another. We had the general location of where the room was. I was following Liza, i couldn't tell where we were at all. Liza seemed to know exactly where she was going thought. After a few minutes, which didn't seem very long, Liza screeched to a halt.

Liza: " Quick in here! "

She dragged me in a door i had totally missed seeing. Once we were inside, we immediately noticed how large the room was.

Liza: " This place is huge! How the heck are we supposed to find the right one? "

: " Well, considering the size....all of them are the mainframe. None of them really stand out from one another. I guess we have to enter the virus to all of these. "

Liza: " You've got to be kidding me. "

: " Nope, now lets get busy. We got work to do. "

Liza nodded and headed to the left while i headed to the right. We each had memorized the long code of letters and numbers. Sad, but we probably knew it better than our old addresses. Working for maybe 6 or 7 minutes, we had made it down to the last one. I frowned.

Liza: " What is it? "

I pointed the scanner on the front: " It's a hand scanner. We need someone with high enough clearance to give us access, so we can enter the code. This has to be the main system. "

Liza: " So, your telling me, we have to go out there, find someone with high clearance, knock them out, drag them here and put their hand on the scanner? "

I smiled: " Yep. "

We both hung our heads and sighed.

Then from the back of the room: " Well, look what we have here. It seems i was right yet again. "

I made a noise in my throat that sounded kinda like a growl. Even if it had been a year, i knew that voice.

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