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Your P.O.V

Bright lights, thats the first thing i saw. My thoughts were probably ' O great, i died. '

After a little while, my eyes finally focused. That's a ceiling, there's a heart monitory, i'm in a bed. Then it hit me, i'm either in a hospital or in a very nice prison. Was i saved or did that brat Britnay find us?

I was not going to wait to find out. I quickly took off the monitor and the IV.

As I was getting out of the bed, my very nice stomach reminded me I was crippled and couldn’t move around very well. Looking down I noticed it was all bandaged up, but I probably just ripped the stiches. Slowly I made my way over to the door using the wall for support.

When I reached for the door handle, the door opened. I jerked back, flattening myself against the wall. Some nurses, I guess that’s who they were, came in and ran over to the bedside. Before they turned around to see me, I slipped out the doorway.

Once I was in the hallway, I decided to go to the left. I walked completely calm and tried my best to look like I knew where I was going. Which isn’t a total lie, I was getting out of here. Right after I find Liza.

Most of the people passing by in the hallways didn’t cause me any trouble. They would just glance at me and keep moving. I think I made it through 8 hallways, probably going in circles, before anyone questioned me.

Some random doctor guy: “ Excuse me, miss, but you should be in your room. “

: “ Oh, me? I was just taking a little walk around. My legs were getting stiff and it’s quiet boring just staying in that room. Don’t worry, I’ll head back soon. “

He wasn’t buying my act. He reached for my arm.

Doctor: “ Sorry miss, but you have to go back to your room. “

: “ Sorry sir, but that ain’t gonna happen! “

I jerked my arm out of his grasp and gave him a good kick to his ribs. While he was busy gasping for air, I took the opportunity to run. I ran as fast as I could, you know with ripped stitching in my side, part of my head wrapped up and probably some broken ribs. I didn’t even run for 15 seconds before an alarm went off.

One of my theories was right. I was in a really nice prison. Why? I have no idea. I thought I was dead for crying out loud!

 My thoughts on how to get out of here were rudely interrupted by someone trying to take a swing at me. I was able to kind of dodge. Their fist grazed the side of my head. With two quick punches to this persons gut, he went down. I guess that attracted attention, because now more of these kind of creepy looking doctors or nurses or whoever they were had me almost completely surrounded.

Of course a big fight started, with me right in the middle of it. I couldn’t tell how many there were. Every time one went down another stepped up to take their place.

My injuries were a major setback to being able to fight. My breathing was already harsh, now I know I had some broken ribs. I was taking more hits, than I was giving. It wasn’t long until I was backed against a wall.

‘ I’m screwed now. ‘

Then form somewhere behind the crowd of creeps: “ Get the heck away from my best friend!! We’re breaking out of this joint!! “

That voice was familiar to me. I gave a mix of a sigh and a smile. To my left, I could see some of these creepy people falling down and Liza coming into view. I don’t think either one of us has ever been so happy to see each other. Sadly there wasn’t a chance to hug each other in relief the other was alright.

The doctors started to move in on us again. Liza and I took one look at each other smiled and nodded. By covering each other’s backs and used each other to make surprise attacks, the fight didn’t last much longer. We took a quick glance over our work and then ran down the hallway.

: “ So, do you have any idea how to get out of here? “

Liza: “ Yes, I have a route mapped out. “

: “ Can I ask how? “

Liza: “ While you were out in lala land. I did a bit of looking around. “

We made our way through 5 to 7 more hallways. When we finally stopped, I was having some serious trouble breathing and holding onto my side. I moved the hospital robe like thing to the side a bit to look and just as I thought. Fresh bright red blood was seeping through the bandages.

Liza: “ What’s wrong? “

I quickly shut the robe, shaking my head.

: “ Nothing, I’m fine. How do we get out of here? “

I’m pretty sure Liza knew darn well what was wrong, but she didn’t press on about it. She opened a ventilation gate and motioned me to go in. I crawled a ways in and waited on her to follow. I have no idea where I’m going.

We made our way through the ventilation, with Liza telling me which way to go. It took a long time before I saw any kind of light. Yeah by the way it’s been almost pitch black in here. Up ahead I could see little rays of sun shine peeking through a vent gate.

: “ Is that our exit? “

Liza: “ Yeah, can you tell if anyone is walking around? “

: “ It’s sunset, and I don’t think anyone outside right now, but they could make a round anytime. “

Liza: “ Then hurry up and get that gate open. “

: “ How exactly do you expect me to do that? “

Liza: “ I figured you would hit it….. “

: “ Glad you remember my personality. “

I turned around slightly and kicked the gate out of our way. Once we were out of the dark of that metal tunnel, we quickly and quietly ran across the clearing into the cover of the forest. Silence fell on us for a while.

: “ So they have a hospital under the school. “

Liza: “ Yep. “

: “ Hey, quick question.  How in the world did you find me? “

Liza: “ Well, the alarm was going off. So, I just assumed it was you.  “

: “ That doesn’t answer the question… “

Liza: “ Fine, I broke out my room and heard saw a crowd of those creepy looking doctors. I figured where else could she be but in the middle of a fight. “

We shared a laugh, until I stopped and had to hold onto my side again. Liza was going to say something, but I waved her off and walked ahead.

: “ Any ideas on how to find Stan and the rest of the team? “

Liza: “ Not sure, but they have to be looking for us. I mean we’ve been gone for over a month. “

I almost tripped as I spun around to stare at her.

: “ What?! How the heck have we been gone that long?! “

Liza flinched at my reaction: “ Um…When you ah…Passed out…um, some students ran at us and since my ankle was severely displaced. I couldn’t really fight, but as I stood up to try anyway, they stopped and talked to me. They literally talked like it was an everyday conversation. Basically they convinced me to let them take us since if I didn’t you would most likely die.

They carried you and helped me walk. We went back into the school and into an elevator. As soon as it reached the bottom floor, they rushed you off somewhere. I tried to follow, but they wouldn’t let me. I was able to get information on you from one of the nurses. She would check on you and tell me how you were doing. I counted the hours, days, then the weeks….. You were out cold for 5 weeks. “

I stood there, stunned, and just stared at Liza, with my mouth ajar.

Liza: “ You know you’re gonna catch fly’s like that. “

I shut my mouth.

: “ Shut up. “

We kept walking and eventually reached the road.

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