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Your P.O.V

An explosion from behind us made everyone freeze to look. Even with the ringing in our ears and all the dust in the air, we could all hear another shrill whistle. Most of the people in our group were uneasy and a bit jumpy. I guess everyone forgot.

: " That's our cue!! Let's get out of here!! "

Then my comrades remembered the signal and were out the new missing addition in the wall in seconds. Only most of us made it out.

Liza: " Tori!!! "

Her scream was filled with fear and i knew this was not going to end well. I turned around and what i saw made my stomach drop. There was Liza arms pinned behind her back, with a knife held to her neck. She looked like she was having trouble standing. I could plainly see that her ankle was twisted out of place.

: " Let her go Britney. "

Britney gave an evil looking smile as she spoke.

Britney: " Oh no Victoria, i think i'm going to have some fun with this. "

On instinct i ducked. I had just managed to dodge under someone punch. From my spot on the ground, i brought my leg up into their chest. The guy went flying hitting the ground with good thump, but he got right back up.

Britney "This is the school's best student. After me of course. "

What could i do? This situation wasn't exactly what we trained for.

: " If you two are the best. Then how about a deal? I challenge you both to a fight. During which neither of you can touch Liza. How about it? You seem cocky enough to try and beat me. "

If they don't take the deal, maybe egging them on will get them away from Liza.

Britney laughed: " You beat both of us. That's ridiculous. Deal. "

She then knocked Liza out with the back end of the knife. I would have protested, but before Liza had even hit the ground the guy behind me decided to attack. He kept throwing punches or kicks. I barely had enough time to dodge.

I cast a single glance at Britney. She was just standing there, smiling. At least she wasn't hurting Liza any more, but it was a mistake for me. Should have known not to do that from training. The guy i was fighting noticed i was distracted for a second and made use of the opportunity. His fist connected with my stomach. I crumpled to the ground, that really hurt.

As i was down he spun and kicked me in the head. I could feel my body lift off for a bit before my i was re-united with the ground. I slid across the floor for a few feet and let me tell you it was not the best feeling in the world.

I tried to stand up, but my head was pounding to much. The guy came back over to me delivering a kick to my ribs. I swear i heard a crack. Back to the floor i went. Straining i tried to get up again. He leaned down and punched me right above my stomach. This time i coughed up blood.

Britney: " Looks like our deal if off. I think i'll... "

She was interrupted by Liza: " Tori you can do it!! Come on!! Get up!! "

Britney: " I thought i silenced you. "

Liza: " Not even close. "

Britney started to walk towards Liza, drawing her knife as she went. I panicked. What was i supposed to do? Looking around i found a chain. With our a second thought, i picked it up and caught the guys who had previously attacked me. The chain wrapped around his arm. I pulled back with all i had causing him to stumble backwards. I release my hold on the chain, punched him right above the jaw and maybe this wasn't the best thing to do, but it worked. I kicked him where the sun don't shine so hard he passed out.

There wasn't time for me to smile at my victory though. I was running towards Britney before he even hit the ground. Britney had stopped walking to turn around right after i had kicked the guy. Probably because  he made this really odd sound.

: "  Leave her alone, our deal is still on! "

Britney's expression changed from blank to a small smirk. She ran at me and tried attacking with her knife, but i easily dodged. The fight between us went on for awhile. It might have gone better if i wasn't already so beat up.

Britney brought her leg up aiming for my head. I brought my arms up in a X shape to block, but she changed her direction. Her foot slammed into my gut causing me to again cough out blood. I started to fall, but by locking me knees i was able to stay up. Suddenly i felt something around my neck and just like anyone else my hands automatically went straight to whatever was there.

Britney chuckled at my attempts to get her arm off my neck. From my lack of air, i didn't notice it as much as i could have, but there was a very sharp pain in my side. I could also tell a lot of blood was coming out from that spot.

The thought finally hit me. I stomped on Britney's foot making her let go of the knife. Then flipped her over me. She landed hard on the ground.

My face screwed up as i pulled out the knife from my side. Britney looked up at me with disgust, a smirk and a slight bit of fear, as i stood over her.

She coulds see the madness and pain clearly on my face, as i plunged the knife towards her. After a few moments, she opened her eyes, seeing the knife stuck just a few inches from her head. I winced again, the wound in my side sending pain through out my whole body.

Britney: " Why? "

: " Because unlike you, i don't try to kill people. "

With that i hit her in the head. Her eyes rolled, then her body went limp.

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