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Your P.O.V

I opened my eyes to bright lights, very bright lights again. As soon as i found out i didn't have wings, wasn't in some while poofy clouds and i was in another hospital bed. My first thought was ' How they heck am i not dead? ' but it was quickly replaced by ' Holy crap! I'm back in this stupid place. I've got to get out of here. '

I took out the IV, ripped off the heart monitor things and jumped out of the bed. My vision blurred and my knees wobbled, but i was still going to get out of here.

Just moments after getting out of the bed, nurses burst into the room. I was in no condition to fight, but i leaned against the wall and put my fists up anyway. The nurses stopped moving and whispered among themselves. I was about to try and fight my way out, when someone started saying " Move! Get out of my way will ya! " and the nurses were pushed aside.

I saw Liza, she got though the group of nurses and came over to me.

Liza: " Calm down Tori, it's ok. Were at our base, not that oddly nice prison. "

She gave me a genuine smile. So i knew we were safe. The relief i felt was huge.

I huge without the worry and the condition i was in. My body decided to give out on me. One second Liza is smiling, the next i was falling to the floor. Luckily, Liza was able to catch me. I think she said something only the line ' Your to reckless ' ,but i could tell i had already passed back out.

When i opened my eyes the next time. I was back in that bed, with the annoying beeping sound from the heart monitor. I slowly sat up, after remembering i was safe.

Stan: " So, your finally up. "

I flinched, grabbing the closet thing in reach ( which was a small vase with a single flower in it ) and threw it. It wasn't until after the vase left my fingers, did i realize it was Stan. I mentally kicked myself for that.

Of course he easily dodged it. The vase hit the wall and shattered.

Stan: " Little edgy are we? "

: " Well, what do you expect from a trained agent. In a weakened state i might add. "

Stan sighed. The door suddenly slamming open, as Liza came running in.

Liza: " What happened?! I heard something Break! "

I laughed to myself, Liza looked at me.

Liza: " What's so funny? "

: " Sorry, sorry, it was just your reaction. It looked funny to me. "

Liza eyed me, then asked Stan if the nurses had given me any medication.

Stan: " Well, yes. They gave her some pain medication. Her being stabbed twice in the same spot did some serious damage to her. "

: " That explains why i feel so much better. "

There was a small, kind of awkward silence between all of us.

: " Can i ask what happened after i blacked out? You know, when you found us. "

Stan: " Liza and i went into our fighting positions when we heard something hit near us. It turned out to be that knife hitting you. We glanced at you since we didn't see any movement. I could just barely make out the blood on your chin. Then you just fell. You didn't gasp, grunt or even yell in pain. You didn't make a single sound.

I almost thought you were dead. We couldn't check to see, because almost as soon as you hit the ground, what's her name again? " He turned to Liza.

Liza: " It was Britney, that b*tch! "

My mouth dropped, eyes widened as i stared at her. Even when were really mad, we don't cuss, at least not out loud. Stan just looked at Liza for a second.

Stan: " Yes, Britney came out of the cover of the woods, not real bright on her part. When she came out she was smiling and apparently that got on Liza's last nerve. Liza screamed at Britney and charged her. I'll say she did some damage all right. The first hit, Britney dodged and Liza left a decent dent in the tree behind her. Britney wasn't as fast the second time around. " He turned to Liza again. " Liza i must say it was quiet a show. When Liza finally let up, i took the honor of giving the final blow. I rant at Britney, after Liza had backed out of the way and punched a pressure point in her chest. Which rendered her unconscious. Then we.... "

Liza: " Hold up, you left out a few things. "

: " Like what? "

Liza: " Well, like Stan did give the final blow, but he didn't hit her with his fist. As i fliped back out of his way, I saw him pull a knife from his jacket. That's what he got Britney with and she made this awful scream. "

: " That explains the scream i hear before i blacked out. "

Stan: " Then we put you in the car and Britney in the trunk. " I snickered at that. " When we got back to headquarters, you were taken to our medical section and Britney to the infirmary in our interigation  until. She will be used to get information on how to take their side down. "

: " That's good. "

I yawned.

Liza: "You still need a lot of rest. "

She came over to me and helped me lay down. As Liza pulled the blankets up she told me to get some sleep.

: " Alright, i will, but only because you insist. "

Stan whispered: " You two are weird. "

I don't think he knew we heard him. Liza and i smiled at each other. He didn't know the half of it. When she left she turned the lights off and shut the door. I rolled over and closed my eyes.

Everyone was safe and we had completed our mission. I fell asleep without a worry and wondering what was going to happen next in my life.

The End

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