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Your P.O.V

The line moved painfully slow, but that's not unlike any other lunch line.

After what seemed like forever, we got our lunch and started to walk around to find a place to sit. Liza pointed out a table right past a group of laughing girls.

" Well, there's no where else. "

As we were walking past the group, suddenly Liza tripped. Her food went flying, while i was able to catch her arm, to keep her from face planting the floor.

" Are you ok? "

One of the girls sitting at the lunch table: " Of course she is. Didn't you see her nice smile and wave earlier? "

The rest of girls there laughed. I helped Liza up, then turned and gave a glare to the girl who had tripped my friend.

The seeming leader of the group of girls: " What's that for noob. You trying to be brave? Ha! "

My glare turned into a smirk.

" Let me guess, you are one of those bratty little so called popular rich girls. Aren't you? "

One of the other girls: " oooo, she just got you Britney. "

Britney: " Shut it Vanessa!..." she sighed then looked back at me " Did you really just call me a brat? "

" Yeah i did, what'cha gonna do about it? "

Britney: " I was going to invite you to our group. Only the rich, hot girls can join. "

I scooped the cream off the top of my pie and smirked at it.

" Here's my reply,...." I shoved the cream into her face. " No way, you prepped up diva. "

Everyone at the table gasped and stared. Britney wiped off her face with a napkin, then stood up. I took a step back.

Britney: " Yeah, you better run. "

" I'm not afraid of you. I was moving out of the way in case you fainted just because i messed up your overly done make-up. "

Britney: " That's it! "

She threw a punch at me and surprisingly i ducked and moved out of the way. Normally my reflexes aren't that good.

Britney stumbled and blinked at me, then tried again. I managed to dodge again.

Britney: " Fight you coward!! "

She threw another punch at me, but i grabbed her wrist in mid position. I could hear a lot of gasps. So, i looked around, everyone was starring right at me, but before i could do anything a fist connected with my jaw. I let go of her wrist to hold my now sore face.

Britney: " Aw did i hurt you? You better run home to your mommy and ask to be spoiled some more. "

My face darkened as i glared at her and let go of my cheek.

" My parents never spoiled me. It's like i never even existed unless i was in trouble for something. I was sent to this stupid boarding school against my will. So, don't be acting like you know me! "

Britney: " Well, that's a nice sob story. "

She turned around and started to walk away. Then i just lost it, i ran up, grabbed her shoulder, yanked her around and punched her back right where she got me.

She fell over and started sobbing.

" Who's the coward now? "

Liza: " Um...Tori we should go, like now. "

She was trying to drag me along.

" Why?

Liza: " Because of them. "

Liza pointed down the spaces between the tables to a couple of security guards. That just so happened to be headed our general direction.

Now there were two choices. 1 stay here and get caught or 2 run as fast as our legs can carry us. We took the 2nd option and beat it.

It took us all of 3 seconds and we were gone. We ran and ran and ran, switching hall ways, going though any open doors. We were probably going in circles, but somehow we ended up back at our room.

After we got inside i slammed the door, walked over to the bed and screamed into a pillow.

Liza: " Well, i think that girl deserved it. "

" Yeah, i guess your right, but now how do we get out of trouble? "

Liza: " I don't know.....What do you want to do now? I have no idea how to get back to our classroom. "

* knock knock *

We both jumped. I looked at Liza, she looked right back at me. Slowly i got up and walked over to the door.

" Who is it? "

???: " A friend you will need. Open the door, i need to talk with you and there is very little time. "

" Um...then open the door. Were kinda locked in. "

The door clicked and slowly swung open. The guy looked like he was in his mid 30's, had bright blond hair and green eyes, that to me felt like they were looking straight through me.

???: " Ok, my name is Stan. I don't have much time. So, i'll make this quick. You don't like this school and you'll really not like it, when they figure out you punched their star student. "

I folded my arms: " She was being a snob. "

Stan: " Yes, she was. This school is supposed to train you to be that way, but also obey everything they command. "

Liza: " That's just not right! "

Stan: " Yes, we know that, but there's another thing. After you under their control, they turn you into a spy. "

" Well, that's not half bad. I could use some of those skills. "

Stan: " It's not a good thing. They act like spy's, but in reality their criminals. The only thing is we can't prove it. "

" Ok then....Why are you here? Like in our room? "

Stan: " Because my agency believes you could help us. You two could tilt the sides a bit."

"O....k....that still doesn't really answer why you here. "

Stan: " Do you two want to become spy's, but be on the good side? "

Liza and i just stared at each other, our mouths slightly ajar.

Stan: "We don't have much time. You need to decide now! "

Just then we all heard footsteps, more like stomps of a stamped, coming down the hall. I did not waht to find out who was coming or what for. So, i just said,

" We'll do it! "

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