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As I made my way downstairs, the sound of footsteps echoed behind me, causing me to turn around. To my surprise, Sadie and Maddie were following closely behind. Confusion washed over me as I struggled to comprehend their actions.

"What are you two doing?! Go back upstairs!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with a mix of concern and frustration. I attempted to push them back towards the staircase, urging them to retreat to the safety of our previous location.

Maddie stepped forward, her expression determined. "No, Max. What happened to sticking together?" she challenged, her voice laced with resolve.

Sadie nodded in agreement, supporting Maddie's stance. "She has a point, Max," she chimed in, her eyes reflecting a sincere belief in unity.

I sighed, feeling torn between wanting to shield them from potential danger and understanding the importance of solidarity in such uncertain times. Reluctantly, I relented and turned around, gesturing for them to follow closely behind.

"Just please stay close," I pleaded, my voice filled with genuine concern. It was clear that I couldn't dissuade them from accompanying me, and all I could hope for was their safety as we embarked on this unknown path together.

"Whatever," Maddie retorted, rolling her eyes before continuing to follow behind.

Just as we started walking, I felt a familiar vibration in my pocket. A quick glance at my phone revealed the caller ID displaying "AMBER FREEMAN," causing my eyes to widen in shock and confusion. "What the hell?" I gasped, caught off guard by the unexpected call.

Sadie, noticing my reaction, directed her gaze towards the phone. "Amber?" she questioned, her voice filled with curiosity.

"I never deleted her number," I admitted, my voice tinged with a mix of surprise and uncertainty. I turned to face Maddie and Sadie, seeking their input.

"Well, don't be dumb and answer it," Maddie advised, her tone laced with skepticism. She watched as the phone continued to ring, but instead of heeding her advice, I instinctively clicked the accept button and brought the phone to my ear, bracing myself for the conversation that was about to unfold. "What the fuck, Max!?"

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