6. Usopp

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It didn't take the Straw Hat Crew a while to reach the docks. Rosario had to drag Zoro most of the way because whenever she, Luffy, and Nami went one way, he went the other. Luffy's smile reached from ear to ear as he looked at all the ships.

"Look at 'em all," he said.

"How much do these cost?" Zoro asked.

"If you have to ask, you can't afford it," Rosario stated as she took Luffy's hat off and placed it back on his head, knowing how much the hat meant to him.

Luffy didn't think much of it Rosario's comment. He was just excited about finding a new ship. "Ok, so we need to get one with a very, very impressive figurehead," he began to ramble. "At least two...No, no, three masts! And a really high crow's nest."

Nami shook her head and said, "We are not gonna be able to sail a ship anywhere near that size. There's only four of us."

"Four of us right now."

"Well, unless you can find another weird, desperate soul to help us."

"Speak for yourself," Zoro commented.

"The only way to get a ship at this point is to steal it," Rosario pointed out. Luffy turned around to argue with her. "I'm guessing that's a big no-no for you, kid."

"She does have a point," Nami said. "If you want us to sneak out of here, unnoticed, then we're gonna need a less flashy ship." She looked at Luffy. "How else do you expect us to get one?"

"I don't know. But we can't steal one," Luffy argued.

"What kind of pirate are you?"

Luffy furrowed his brows. "A ship is not just a ship. It's a part of our crew. We need to find the perfect one. And we're gonna get it the right way."

"Ok, pitch that to the salesman. I'm sure that'll win him over."

Luffy didn't pick up on Nami's sarcasm. "Exactly."

Rosario let out an annoyed breath as Luffy walked ahead. "The kid gets sentimental about everything, huh?" she asked Nami.

"Yup." She looked at Rosario. "Just how many ships have you and Buffy stolen?"

"Too many to count. Either one gets busted or the crew keeps increasing. Wasn't hard since there was a bunch of us."

"So what are we actually going to do?" Zoro asked.

Nami sighed before saying, "Find a ship and see how lax the security is around here."

"Got it." Zoro followed Luffy.

"What happens if security is all over the place?" Rosario wondered. "Can I kill them, then?"

"Just make sure Luffy doesn't see."

Rosario nodded. "Alright." She walked ahead and her eye twitched when she saw Zoro make a left instead of a right. "NOT THAT WAY, MOSS HEAD!" She quickly grabbed his hand and decided to pull him alongside her. "It's like keeping a child at bay."

Luffy walked across the wooden bridge. He was scanning the yard for the perfect ship and stopped for a moment when one caught his eye. It was a huge ship, don't get him wrong, big enough for his crew. But what caught his eye was the big sheep's head carved in front of it. The mast was just big enough for Luffy to sit down on and take a good look at the sea whenever he wanted to.

Luffy climbed up the steps and stopped just below the sheep's head. He stares up at it in amazement before bringing his hand up to touch the ship. Luffy was so mesmerized by the ship that he didn't realize someone was already watching him.

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