The next morning, Y/n and the boys were walking the halls towards their first lesson which was Muggle Studies. "I heard you were making out with miss Goldstein yesterday." said Graham turning to Adrian who made a face.

"And where did you hear that from?" asked Adrian. Y/n chuckled, turning towards the boys.

"Draco." laughed Miles. "He said he heard Y/n say that you and her were swallowing each other's faces."

"Mhm, and it was delicious." said Adrian.

"Ew." laughed Y/n turning to Adrian who smiled.

"Peeves, shove off!" shouted a voice. Loud footsteps followed when Fred Weasley ran straight into Y/n. "Oh!" He placed his hand on the back of her head and the other on her waist as they tumbled onto the floor.

"Ow—" said Y/n looking at the boy above her.

"Oi, Malfoy we have to stop meeting like this." said Fred, smiling. Y/n made a face, pushing him off her.

"You have to start watching where you're bloody going!" said Y/n. Miles helped her up as he chuckled. "Merlin, at this rate i'm surprised I haven't gotten a concussion yet."

"We still have all year." smirked Fred. George helped him up, laughing. "Oop— here comes Peeves!"

"Watch out!" said George. The two boys ran into class, Y/n, Adrian, Miles and Graham turned to see Peeves who didn't seem pleased.

"Class— go, now!" said Miles pushing them all in.

"Merlin, why must they bother Peeves." said Adrian taking his seat far from the Weasley's.

"Good morning, class, good morning!" said Professor Burbage, the muggle studies teacher. "Welcome to your first lesson of the day as fifth years. It's going to a bit different this year compared to last years. We will be working on a very large project that will take about six months to complete. Luckily, you will have your own partner to help you."

"Oh Y/n, be my partner!" whispered Miles.

"Actually Mr. Bletchley, I will be picking the partners for this assignment." said Professor Burbage. "In this little jar I have each one of your names. Let's get started so we can get you into your pairs." she reached her hand into the jar, pulling out a piece of paper. "Hmm, Adrian Pucey with Nicole Northcott."

"Ugh." groaned Nicole. Adrian turned to Y/n, making a face as she snorted.

"George Weasley and Daisy Sharp." read Professor Burbage. Daisy Sharp was Y/n's and Gemma's other roommate. "Graham Montague and Gemma Farley."

"Oh no." mumbled Graham. Adrian, Miles and Y/n all turned to look at him with grins on their faces. "Stop it! It's not— i'm going to be sick."

"You'll be okay, Graham." chuckled Y/n.

"Y/n Malfoy and Fredrick Weasley." continued Professor Burbage. Y/n's eye twitched as she turned to look at Fred who looked up at the teacher, hearing his name.

"Ooh, sorry." said Miles with a chuckle.

"Angelina Johnson with Miles Bletchley. Alicia Spinnet and Lee Jordan. Kenneth Towler and Ashley Fairbourne." finished Professor Burbage. "Now, please get up and find your partner."

"Oh hello again." said Fred with a grin.

"You make my head hurt." said Y/n rolling her eyes.

"Ah, did I give you that concussion then?" chuckled Fred. Y/n made a face, turning back to the professor.

"Now that we are all seated, if you opened your textbooks to page 103, the human anatomy will be staring back at those bright faces." said Professor. "We will be learning about the human body, all the bones and muscles and how they work together. This is why this project will take six months to complete. You will have an hour here in class and I hope an hour after lessons you and your partner will get together to discuss and study."

Pinky Promise (Y/nMalfoy X Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now