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  Y/n was very silent the rest of the day, Benjamin was at their last lesson waiting by the door for her. "I'm all dry now." said Benjamin wrapping his arm around her. She smiled slightly, allowing him to kiss her cheek. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing, nothing." said Y/n. Benjamin cupped her hand, dragging her along.

"Okay, well I was thinking after dinner you could join me in my dorm?" asked Benjamin.

"I can't, I have to meet Weasley after dinner for this stupid assignment." said Y/n, sighing.

"Okay, after?" asked Benjamin.

"Yeah, after is good." said Y/n nodding her head. The two walked towards the Great Hall, Y/n was silent. Benjamin often turned to look at her.

"Are you sure you're okay?" asked Benjamin.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" asked Y/n.

"You're really quiet." said Benjamin.

"I'm fine, nothing you did." said Y/n.

"Oh okay. . . good." said Benjamin wrapping his arm around her. She rested her head on his shoulder, entering the Great Hall. Dinner went by extremely fast and Y/n was dreading meeting Fred.

"Good luck." chuckled Adrian. Y/n rolled her eyes, turning to Ben who smiled.

"I'll see you later?" asked Benjamin.

"I'll see you later." said Y/n. Benjamin kissed her, messing up her hair. She made a face, walking towards the old music room, adjusting her hair when she heard arguing.

"I don't like that she's your bloody partner, Fred!" said a voice.

"I didn't pick her, did I?" said another voice. Y/n moved closer to see Fred and Nicole arguing.

"Why were you so close to her in class!" said Nicole narrowing her eyebrows. "You know when two people fancy each other they don't flirt with other people!"

"I was not flirting with her!" said Fred running his fingers through his hair. "And really? You say that but I see how you get when you're near Oliver."

"Don't— don't try and put this on me!" said Nicole. Y/n sighed, walking next to Fred.

"Not to ruin this wonderful moment you two are having but you're blocking the way and I just want to study." said Y/n with a face. Fred moved slightly, seeing Y/n.

"Skank!" said Nicole. Y/n jaw dropped, offended. Fred sighed, face palming.

"Oh wow, Weasley. You really know how to pick them, huh." said Y/n with a face. "Cavemen. Ohh noo, don't get scared of the candles. Fire is good!"

"You think you're so bloody smart, Malfoy! I promise you are no better than anyone." said Nicole narrowing her eyebrows.

"I am better than you, Northcott. Not because of my last name or my family, I am just better." said Y/n with a smile. "Let's see, i'm top of the class— oh and daddy's money can't buy that, did you know? I heard you weren't even top five so tell me why I shouldn't think i'm better than you? Every achievement I have, i've done it all on my own."

Nicole lunge at Y/n who stepped back, Fred stopped Nicole from getting near Y/n. "That's enough— enough!" said Fred moving Nicole away. "I—I don't like fighting with you, Nicole."

"Whatever— whatever! We're done." said Nicole pushing him off her and storming off. Y/n softened her gaze, looking at Fred.

"Hey. . . if you don't want to study today, it's okay." said Y/n looking up at Fred who turned to look at her.

Pinky Promise (Y/nMalfoy X Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now