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As the first light of day peeked through the horizon, waking the world from its slumber, Vidhi Sharma wrapped up her day, having completed numerous surgeries and saved many lives.

Why, you might wonder? Well, Vidhi Sharma was a renowned figure at Wockhardt Hospitals in Mumbai. Her reputation was so significant that people from various countries sought her expertise to mend their ailing hearts. She was considered one of the best doctors in India. While some believed she possessed almost mystical healing abilities, the truth was different. Her exceptional track record, with remarkably fewer fatalities under her care, earned her reverence among nurses and fellow doctors who admired her.

However, hidden behind this facade of professional success was a heart that had long remained broken, an irony nobody could repair—Vidhi Sharma remained unable to restore the shattered fragments of her own heart, a silent irony echoing through the corridors of her illustrious career.

As the morning sun streamed into her office, it lit up the space, making it bright and cozy. She stood by the glass wall, looking out at the lively city of Mumbai. The calming view of the city and her softly lit office gave her comfort after a tough day at work. With a sigh, she shifted her attention to her desk, gathering her things to head out. Back-to-back surgeries had left her exhausted, her eyes tired and burning from the strain.

As Vidhi made her way towards the exit, a teenage boy entered the hospital, clutching the hand of a girl around the same age. A sense of urgency and distress lingered in the air as the girl appeared to be in considerable discomfort, her hand pressed against her chest, her face etched with concern.

With a quick scan of the reception area, it became apparent that there were no other doctors available at the moment. Vidhi sensed the boy's worry, the raw fear in his eyes, and the deep concern etched across his face. Without a second thought, she pivoted on her heels, her steps retracing the path she had just taken.

"Hey kids, how can I help you?" Vidhi offered, her voice carrying both reassurance and determination. She approached the pair, her medical instincts kicking in as she assessed the situation, ready to take on the unexpected case, driven by the urgency reflected in the young boy's eyes.

"Um, why aren't there any doctors or nurses around?" the boy asked, his voice wavering with uncertainty.

Vidhi offered a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, it's shift change in the morning. They'll be back soon. How can I help you?" She inquired, her tone calming yet inquisitive.

The boy let out a sigh of relief. "My friend here," he gestured towards the girl beside him, "she was sweating a lot and clutching her chest. She fainted a little while ago." He paused, concern evident in his eyes.

The girl, however, seemed hesitant, shaking her head faintly. "No, I'm okay," she murmured, despite her ashen complexion and the clear distress etched on her face.

Vidhi glanced between them, observing the girl's obvious discomfort despite her denial. With a reassuring touch on the boy's shoulder, she addressed him softly, "Don't worry, I'm a doctor. Let me take a look." Her gaze shifted back to the girl, acknowledging her silent resistance.

The boy held onto the girl tightly, a mixture of concern and care evident in his eyes. Vidhi couldn't help but smile at the subtle corner of his eye that expressed his worry for her.

With a gentle hand on the girl's shoulder, Vidhi guided her into a nearby room, creating a space away from the bustling corridor. Sensing the girl's unease, she turned to the boy, offering a reassuring nod. "Would you mind waiting outside for a moment? I'll take care of her."

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