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Vidhi hummed a tune as she bustled about her cozy kitchen, gathering the few ingredients she had for Yuvraj's birthday surprise. With an infectious grin, she mixed flour, sugar, and a hint of vanilla in a bowl, her excitement lighting up the room. Hastily pouring the batter into a pot she'd preheated on the stove, improvising without a microwave. she giggled with nervous anticipation.

Glancing at the clock, she realized time was slipping away faster than she thought. Rushing to the bedroom, she dashed to check on the special dress she'd carefully chosen for the celebration. Her heart raced with glee, envisioning the delight on Yuvraj's face when he'd see the handmade cake and her beautiful outfit.

Juggling the tasks with sheer enthusiasm, Vidhi's dedication to making this birthday unforgettable for Yuvraj knew no bounds.

But the unexpected ring of the doorbell sent a chill down Vidhi's spine, her heart lurching with a mix of dread and confusion. Her father wasn't supposed to return until Monday, and the thought of him standing at the door now sent shivers through her. The fear of facing his disappointment for baking, which was strictly off-limits, loomed larger than ever.

Ignoring the stinging pain in her hand, Vidhi swiftly hid the hot vessel in a secure spot and hurried to the door, her heart pounding with dread. Anxious and fearful, she flung the door open, only to find Raghu Bhayya pacing anxiously on her doorstep. Relief washed over her, but the unexpected visit left her puzzled and curious about what had brought him there in such a state.

"Raghu Bhayya? What's going on?" Vidhi asked, her confusion evident.

"You have to come with me, now. Your dad's causing a scene at Ram Bhai's house. You've got to stop him if you can," Raghu Bhayya blurted out urgently.

"What? He wasn't supposed to be in the city. What's he doing? What new drama is this?" Vidhi sighed with resignation, already familiar with the unpredictability that her father often brought with him.

As they hurried towards Yuvraj's house, Vidhi's heart pounded with a mix of fear and apprehension. She couldn't shake off the worry about what might have sparked a feud between her dad and Yuvraj's father. Her father had a knack for getting involved only when his ego was at stake or if someone dared to say something that pricked his pride. The thought of potential confrontation filled her with dread, knowing the storm that could brew from such clashes.

As they arrived, a distressing sight greeted Vidhi. Her father was in a fit of rage, shouting, while Mr. Ram sat on his porch, his hand resting on his head in distress. His wife sat close by, tears streaming down her face, while Yuvraj stood, holding his father with an intensity of anger etched on his face, a level of fury that Vidhi had never imagined he was capable of expressing. The scene was a chaotic blend of emotions, each person's turmoil adding to the tense atmosphere, leaving Vidhi in shock at the unexpected turn of events.

Vidhi's heart sank as her father's words echoed through the crowd that had gathered. His accusatory tone and bold statements about Mr. Ram's alleged involvement in embezzlement and manipulation of financial records for personal gain reverberated in the tense air. The crowd murmured, torn between shock and uncertainty at the sudden accusations. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on her, realizing the potential impact of such allegations on Yuvraj's family and the community they all belonged to.

Vidhi's breath caught in her throat as Manish's haughty words sliced through the tense air. The venomous statement shook her to the core. "What do you all think? Should someone like him even be part of our chawl? Either we kick him out or risk ruining our children's future," his words hung heavy, casting a chilling shadow over the already tense scene.The callousness in Manish's tone stung Vidhi deeply, realizing the gravity of the situation.

Without a second thought, Vidhi rushed to her father, extending her hand to pull him away from the escalating conflict, silently urging him to stop. But as she reached out, Mr. Ram swiftly yanked his hand away, his face contorted into a wicked smirk aimed directly at her, as if some malevolent thought had suddenly struck him. The unexpected twist in his demeanor left Vidhi feeling both disheartened and apprehensive, uncertain about the direction the situation was taking.

Manish's words cut through the air again, this time laced with venom and false concern."Not only is this man a fraudster, but his son is no different. Do you all realize how despicable they are? He's manipulating my innocent daughter, luring her in. Who knows what other vile acts they're committing behind closed doors. Oh, my poor daughter. This family is ruining everyone in this chawl," he declared, casting a net of accusations to the gathered crowd. Vidhi felt a wave of shame wash over her, standing amidst the scrutinizing gazes. In Manish's quest for revenge, he callously disregarded his daughter's dignity, and that realization burned deep within her.

"Also that little bitch, his daughter..."In a split second, before Manish could finish his vile sentence, he found himself writhing on the ground in agony. Vidhi, her vision blurred by tears and her gaze fixed on the ground, suddenly lifted her eyes to witness a scene she hadn't expected. Yuvraj, consumed by rage, lunged at her father, but Raghu Bhayya and others managed to restrain him just in time. Amidst the chaos, Yuvraj had punched her father, who now lay on the ground with a profusely bleeding nose.

"Not a single word about my sister. Not. A. Word!!!" Yuvraj's thunderous scream pierced the tension, his face a canvas of rage that unsettled Vidhi deeply. This abrupt eruption of anger from someone she knew as composed and collected left her taken aback. Yet, despite the shock, she harbored no disappointment towards him; his explosive reaction seemed a fitting response given the circumstances. Her father's hurtful words had pushed someone to their breaking point. Witnessing Yuvraj's usual calm demeanor shattered by this raw emotion made her realize the depth behind his ferocity, standing firm to protect his sister against her father's callousness.

As the crowd immediately intervened, some in the crowd rushed to aid Manish, helping him back on his feet, while murmurs and divided opinions permeated the air. Vidhi, overwhelmed with helplessness, made her way to her father, her voice tinged with despair as she uttered, "Let's go home, Papa. Enough is enough." Her words carried a sense of resignation.

Manish's vindictive tone sliced through the tension yet again, his desire for retribution apparent. "I need to settle this; who does he think he is to hit me and whore around with my daughter?" His spiteful accusations reverberated, plunging Vidhi into an abyss of shame that seemed bottomless. Yuvraj's rage intensified, his reaction mirroring the growing realization that this man before them was nothing short of a evil monster, spewing malice without remorse.

Yuvraj's father finally stepped in, his voice seething with anger. "Don't you dare falsely accuse my son of anything. You ruined my life simply because I dared to advise you against treating your daughter like an animal. Your wounded ego and pride led to my ruin, and I'll handle the consequences. But if I hear even a hint of slander against my children from you, I'll ensure you meet your end," he thundered, his words laced with a chilling resolve.

Ram ominously closed the gap between himself and Manish, his voice low and dangerous. "Leave immediately, or I'll bring the police into this and drag you to court. You're well aware of the consequences. I've had my fill of your antics. I've reached my limits with you now. Say another word, and I'll dismantle you beyond repair, Manish Sharma," he warned, his words laden with a potent threat that echoed through the tense air.

Manish visibly gulped, then abruptly turned and forcefully grabbed Vidhi, causing a sharp pang of pain to shoot up her arm as he pulled her away with urgency. Despite her dread of the impending situation, Vidhi stole a glance back at Yuvraj. Her eyes betrayed her fear of what was to come, but what chilled her to the bone was the void of emotion she saw in Yuvraj's eyes. His gaze, devoid of any feeling, sent shivers down her spine.


There's one more "past" left and it's going to be emotional and triggering so be aware.

I'm so thankful for all the inspiring comments, please sending them. It helps me write more chapters.

Share your thoughts on what's going to happen now with Vidhi and Yuvra? I'm waiting.

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