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Dr. Vidhi glided through the hospital corridors, her white coat billowing behind her as she led her interns on their morning rounds. With a calm authority, she paused at each patient's bedside, offering guidance and knowledge, her words a symphony of expertise that resonated through the ward.

Yuvraj, perched on a distant bench, watched her with a mix of nostalgia and admiration. His eyes traced her every move, observing the confidence in her steps and the assurance in her demeanor. The woman he once knew had transformed into an embodiment of strength and resilience, a paragon of dedication to her profession.

As she conversed with her interns, her gestures were precise, her explanations thorough yet easily comprehensible. She exuded a passion for healing that transcended boundaries, captivating not just the interns but also drawing Yuvraj's attention like a magnet.

For a moment, he hesitated, lost in a whirlwind of memories. He remembered the spirited debates they used to have, the shared dreams, and the love that once bound them together. But seeing her now, a formidable force in her element, Yuvraj heart swelled with admiration for the woman she had become, a woman whose strength radiated from within, enhancing her already remarkable skills as a doctor.

As the interns dispersed, Dr. Vidhi momentarily glanced in Yuvraj's direction, her eyes scanning the waiting area. Their gazes met, a fleeting recognition passing between them before she excused herself from her team, striding purposefully towards where Yuvraj sat.

"Mr.Malhotra," she greeted him with a warm yet professional smile, her voice carrying a tone of familiarity tempered by the distance time had created between them.

"Dr. Vidhi," he replied, his voice betraying a hint of nostalgia amidst the formality. "Thank you for making time to discuss my father's reports."

Her eyes held a myriad of emotions—compassion, professionalism, and a hint of the history they once shared. "Of course. Let's head to my office," she offered, leading the way with a composed poise that mirrored her demeanor during the rounds.

The walk to her office felt both familiar and foreign—a silent echo of the countless conversations they had shared in the past, now interspersed with an unspoken tension that lingered in the air.

Once inside, Dr. Vidhi took her seat behind the desk, her posture exuding a sense of unwavering focus. She carefully reviewed the reports, her brow furrowing slightly as she analyzed the details. After a moment, she looked up, her expression a mix of concern and professional determination.

"Mr. Malhotra, these reports indicate a serious condition—Giant Cell Myocarditis," she began, her voice measured yet tinged with urgency. "It's a rare but aggressive form of heart inflammation. Your father needs immediate medical attention."

Yuvraj's heart sank at the severity of the diagnosis. He listened intently as Vidhi explained the gravity of the situation, outlining the treatment options and emphasizing the need for swift action.

"I understand it's a lot to process," Vidhi continued, her gaze unwavering. "But time is of the essence here. We need to admit your father to the hospital today and initiate treatment as soon as possible to give him the best chance at recovery."

Yuvraj's expression shifted from concern to devastation as the gravity of the situation settled upon him. He listened intently, but the weight of the diagnosis seemed almost too much to bear.

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