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A few days had passed since Ram's successful surgery, and the atmosphere in the family home was filled with a sense of cautious optimism. Yuvraj had spared no expense in ensuring that his father's transition back to home life was as smooth as possible. Nurses and medical equipment had been arranged, and the house had been meticulously prepared to accommodate Ram's needs during his recovery.

As the day of Ram's first post-surgery appointment approached, Yuvraj felt a mix of anticipation and apprehension. He had arranged for transportation to the hospital, and as they made their way through the bustling streets, he couldn't shake the feeling of nervousness that gnawed at his insides.

Upon their arrival at the hospital, Yuvraj guided his father to the familiar corridors, the scent of antiseptic mingling with the hum of activity. Despite the familiarity of the surroundings, Yuvraj couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as they made their way to Dr. Vidhi's office.

Entering the office, they were greeted by the comforting sight of Dr. Vidhi, her warm smile putting them at ease. Ram settled into the chair with a sense of resignation, while Yuvraj stood by his side, ready to support him through whatever lay ahead.

Dr. Vidhi wasted no time in getting down to business, her expertise evident as she conducted a thorough examination and reviewed Ram's progress since the surgery. Her gentle demeanor and reassuring words helped to alleviate some of the tension in the room, as she outlined the next steps in Ram's recovery plan.

As the appointment drew to a close, Yuvraj felt a sense of relief wash over him. Despite the challenges that lay ahead, he knew that his father was in good hands with Dr. Vidhi guiding his care.

In the serene confines of Dr. Vidhi's office, Mr. Ram reclined in the plush chair, his demeanor a blend of weariness and resilience as he discussed his post-surgery treatment plan with Yuvraj. The soft glow of the afternoon sun filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a warm, golden hue over the room, lending an air of tranquility to their conversation.

"Your progress has been commendable, Ram Uncle," Dr. Vidhi remarked, her voice imbued with both professionalism and empathy. "But we must remain vigilant in monitoring your recovery to ensure optimal results."

Mr. Ram nodded solemnly, his eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and determination. "I understand, Vidhi beta. I'll do whatever it takes to get back on my feet."

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted as the door swung open, and a nurse burst into the room with an urgent expression etched upon her features.

"Dr. Vidhi, you're needed in the lobby," the nurse exclaimed breathlessly, her tone urgent. "There's an inspector waiting for you."

A flicker of concern passed between Mr. Ram and Yuvraj as they exchanged uneasy glances, the sudden intrusion sparking a sense of apprehension within them.

Dr. Vidhi rose from her seat, her brow furrowing with concern as she excused herself from the room and hurried down to the lobby to meet the inspector.

As she descended the staircase, she found herself face to face with the stern figure of Inspector Patel, his demeanor grave as he addressed her with a sense of urgency.

"Dr. Vidhi, we've received reports of a sighting," Inspector Patel began, his voice low and urgent. "The individual who attacked you previously has been spotted in the vicinity. We're on high alert, and I advise you to take precautions and ensure your safety."

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