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Vidhi stood before the mirror, the soft dressing room lights casting a gentle glow on her as she prepared for an important evening out. She carefully fastened an emerald earring, its diamonds catching the light as they sparkled. Moving on to a necklace pendant adorned with diamonds and emeralds, she observed her reflection in the mirror, the jewelry adding a touch of elegance to her attire.

Her dress, a simple yet stunning strapless black number, hugged her curves tastefully. Vidhi paired it with matching gloves and a pair of green Steve Madden slingback pumps for a subtle dash of color. As she slipped on the black opera gloves, she completed the ensemble with a diamond and emerald bracelet, fastening it delicately over the gloves.

In a quiet moment, Vidhi admired her reflection, whispering a satisfied "perfect" as she took in the seamless blend of sophistication and charm. The dressing room held an air of transformation as Vidhi, in her carefully chosen attire, stood ready for the evening ahead, a vision of timeless beauty.

 The dressing room held an air of transformation as Vidhi, in her carefully chosen attire, stood ready for the evening ahead, a vision of timeless beauty

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As Vidhi walked into the living room after hearing the doorbell, she looked at the clock and whispered, "Right on time," her expression impressive.

In their earlier conversation, Vidhi shared the details of the fundraiser gala aimed at raising funds for cardiac-related diseases. The revelation that the renowned and rarely available surgeon, Dr. Stephen Gonzalez, would be in attendance sparked an instant plan in Vidhi's mind. Recognizing the crucial role Dr. Gonzalez could play in finding a heart for Yuvraj's father, Vidhi deftly included him in her strategy for the evening.

After finalizing their decision to attend the gala together, Yuvraj insisted on picking Vidhi up. With a sincere offer in his eyes, he suggested, "I can swing by and pick you up. It'll save you the trouble."

Vidhi, though grateful for the offer, hesitated, "Oh, it's alright. I can always grab a cab or something. You don't have to go out of your way."

Yuvraj, with a reassuring smile, insisted, "Nonsense. It's no trouble at all. After what you're doing for my dad, I want to make sure you have a smooth evening."

Despite her initial hesitation, Vidhi eventually agreed, appreciating the considerate offer from Yuvraj.

Taking a deep breath, Vidhi glanced at the door intercom and opened it to reveal a breathtaking view of Yuvraj leaning casually, hands folded to his chest, engrossed in checking something on his phone. The tuxedo, a deep midnight blue, was impeccably tailored, accentuating his broad shoulders and chiseled frame. It perfectly complemented his muscular physique.

 It perfectly complemented his muscular physique

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"Hey," Vidhi greeted with a friendly smile. Yuvraj's eyes lifted, and his smile paused, a subtle shift in the atmosphere.
As he looked at Vidhi, a whirlwind of thoughts stirred within him. The world seemed to momentarily fade away, leaving only her in his field of vision. Her presence carried a certain magnetic pull, and his thoughts swirled in a gentle chaos.

Yuvraj's thoughts, usually composed and focused, now navigated the uncharted waters of this evolving dynamic, contemplating the possibility of a deeper connection that went beyond the realms of mere acquaintance.

After a moment, Yuvraj cleared his throat and responded to Vidhi's greeting. She smiled warmly and extended an invitation, mentioning that she needed to pick something up from inside.

As Yuvraj stepped into her house, he was greeted by an ambiance of beauty and simplicity. The minimalist setup exuded a sense of refinement, as if each element had been carefully curated. The interior seemed to be plucked from the pages of an Architectural Digest spread, a conformation to Vidhi's tasteful aesthetic.

While making his way through the house, Yuvraj couldn't help but appreciate the perfect balance between functionality and elegance. The living room, in particular, caught his attention. It was not only meticulously maintained but also thoughtfully designed, a harmonious blend of aesthetic and practical elements.

His gaze fell upon a small puja house tucked away in the right corner of the living room, a serene addition to the overall decor. A smile graced Yuvraj's lips, and he couldn't resist expressing his admiration. "Your house is beautiful," he complimented, the sincerity in his words echoing the genuine appreciation he felt for the thoughtful design that surrounded them.

"Thanks," Vidhi replied, her eyes doing a subtle roll as a playful smile adorned her lips. She half-anticipated a compliment for her but oh well, she thought.

As they reached the living area, Vidhi picked something from the table and handed an invite to Yuvraj. "Here."

Yuvraj took the invite, inspecting it. "Is this for today's Fundraiser Gala?" he inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, I'll explain everything on the way. Just need to grab something quickly," Vidhi replied, heading towards a room.

"Sure, take your time," Yuvraj said, settling on the sofa as he examined the elegant invitation.

Vidhi returned with a white faux feather shawl draped over her shoulders and a purse in hand. Absently, she walked out of the house, unintentionally missing the appreciative gaze Yuvraj cast upon her, captivated by the effortless beauty that seemed to accompany her every step.


As Vidhi and Yuvraj cruised in his sleek Porsche towards the gala venue, the atmosphere both inside and outside the car was charged with anticipation. The hum of the engine harmonized with the city lights flickering beyond the windows, casting a subtle glow on their faces.

Vidhi, leaning back in the luxurious leather seat, began to share insights about Dr. Gonzalez, the renowned cardiologist. "He's known for his groundbreaking techniques," she explained, the city skyline providing a cinematic backdrop. "People come from all over to seek his expertise. If anyone can help us find a solution, it's him."

Their conversation, initially focused on the gala's mission, took a more informal turn. Yuvraj, with a smirk, remarked, "Well, let's hope he's not too busy saving the world tonight and can spare a moment for us."

Vidhi chuckled, "I have a good feeling about tonight. We're on a mission, after all."

As they neared the venue, Yuvraj turned more serious. "Vidhi, I can't thank you enough for all your effort. This means a lot to me and my family."

Vidhi, with a warm smile, replied, "Yuvraj, we're in this together. We'll find a way. And who knows, tonight might just be the beginning of something positive."

The Porsche smoothly rolled up to the gala entrance, and as they stepped out, the city's lights seemed to cast a hopeful glow around them. The gala awaited, filled with potential and the promise of finding the help they desperately needed.


Since the response on the previous chapter was very poor, I wasn't particularly motivated to write any further. Even though it was the heartwarming chapter I've ever written, you guy didn't like it.

Anyway, next one updates only after 45 votes on this chapter. Yeah, unfortunately we're doing that!

Also check out roopreads 's book!!

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