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The day unfurled with a symphony of responsibilities.Vidhi greeted the dawn with rounds, visiting patients, noting their progress, and offering words of encouragement that carried the weight of experience and empathy. She was a pillar of support for families grappling with uncertainty, a beacon of hope amidst the sterile hospital environment.

It had been a week since Mr. Ram was admitted, his condition gradually shifting toward the path of recovery. In the following days, Dr. Vidhi orchestrated a comprehensive treatment regimen for Mr. Ram Malhotra. Guided by the latest research and her extensive experience, she fine-tuned the therapy, combining immunosuppressive medications to quell the inflammatory response and protect his heart from further damage.

Her daily rounds were meticulous, observing Mr. Malhotra's progress with an astute eye. Adjustments to medications were made promptly, and specialized tests were conducted to monitor the heart's response to the treatment.

Vidhi's entrance into Mr. Malhotra's room brought a sense of routine and care. Saanvi and Jaya stood steadfastly by Ram's bedside, their presence a testament to their unwavering support for their ailing patriarch.

Saanvi's bodyguard loomed just outside the door, his demeanor stern and watchful, a silent guardian warding off any unwanted intrusion. His serious countenance gave an air of intimidation, underscoring Saanvi's need for privacy amidst the chaos of media scrutiny.

Ram's face lit up with a genuine smile upon Vidhi's arrival. "Good morning, Vidhi. Your visits always lifts my spirits"

"Good morning, Mr. Malhotra," Vidhi smiled warmly, her focus immediately shifting to his well-being. "How are you feeling today?"

Saanvi acknowledged Vidhi's presence with a polite greeting, her concern for her father evident in her gaze. Meanwhile, Jaya, though acknowledging Vidhi, remained composed, her emotions shielded behind a stoic façade. Yuvraj wasn't here today due to an important office meeting.

"Good morning, Vidhi," Saanvi said warmly, her worry for her father subtly reflecting in her voice.

Vidhi reciprocated the greeting with a nod of acknowledgment before addressing Ram.

"Your progress has been steady, Mr. Malhotra. How are you finding the day today?" Ram nodded, a hint of gratitude in his eyes."Better, Vidhi. Thank you for your care and attention."

Saanvi, with a tinge of concern, interjected, "Is there anything more we can do for him, Vidhi?"

Vidhi offered reassurance, "He's progressing well, Saanvi. Patience and rest are the best medicine for him right now."

Jaya, a picture of composed strength, observed the conversation quietly, her expressions revealing little but her concern palpable in the room's atmosphere.

Saanvi, leaning in with a smile, added, "Dad's been waiting for your daily check-up, Vidhi. You're his favorite doctor."

Vidhi chuckled. "I'm honored, Mr. Malhotra. But let's give credit to your resilience too."

Saanvi, amidst the light-hearted conversation, expressed her gratitude. "Thank you, Vidhi, for being so approachable. It means a lot."

"Anytime! Take care and don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything else." With a reassuring smile, she started to leave when the hospital speakers suddenly blared one chilling word, "Code Grey," causing Vidhi's face to pale instantly.

"Oh no," Vidhi mumbled. Chaos erupted in the corridor as nurses sprang into action. While most people didn't grasp the code's significance, nurses and doctors hurried to secure their patients' safety. Vidhi glanced toward the puzzled Malhotras, concerned about their confusion amidst the commotion.

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