Chapter 5...

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Hey pups! I'm back and ready to write! That's right, you heard me! I'm going to publish a chapter every Monday and Friday for now on! That is in till school starts again. Anyways I thought yall would like to hear this so now to chapter 5!!


Chapter 5: say wha!?!?

The council looked on as percy fell to his knees, holding his head, and screaming. They watched as tendrils of dirt shoot out of the Golden ground and wrap around the young thug.
"What happening to him?" Artemis asked cautiously.
Zeus shrugged "I have no idea..."
"Shouldn't we do something? I mean who ever spoke didn't sound friendly" Artemis asked readying a arrow.
Once again zeus shrugged, however he still readied his bolt. Rest of the gods and goddess followed suit. Slowly they crept on the screaming boy who was being covered in dirt hands. Soon the boys screaming was silenced as the dirt finally covered his head.
"All of you will face this boy, all of you will die, and I will watch as your world crumbles" the voice laughed evilly.
The ground started to shake, cracks ripped through the beautiful palace of kings and queens, almost as if the ground itself was angry at the world.
"I think the boy is about to truly awaken" muttered Ares. All of the Olympians readied their weapons as the dirt that trapped the boy started to crumble away. What they saw surprised all of the Olympians and Aphrodite was definitely drooling like a starved dog.
"W-what in the world happened to him?" Artemis stuttered.
"Uhhh I have no idea" Zeus replied obviously shocked. All of the Olympians looked at the changed percy jackson. His hair was longer and still untamed yet still raven black. His eyes that once glowed an oceanic blue and green, now glowed a black,blue, and greenish color. His once fair skin seemed to have a tan, that most girls would die for. But probably two of Percys most noticeable changes was his build and his scars.
Percys build seem to be perfect now. He's not too bulky and not too lean. Percys is at the perfect build that only masters of spears and swords could get. But his scars seem...more real, almost like they glowed.
"Hey! What are those black marks that seem to be growing!?" Hermes yelled, more like squeaked.
Now that the Olympians got a closer look, they saw some sort of black marks spreading up his left arm all the way to his left cheek.
"Now are yall done stareing at me so we can fight? Or should I kill all of you while yall are dumbfounded?" Percy growled, snapping the gods out of their dumbfounded state.
"Bring it on punk!" Ares shouted.
"Okay, I will throw everything at yall." Percy said coolly before disappearing.
"Ha! He got scared and ran!" Ares boasted making all I'd the gods roll their eyes except Artemis.
She scanned the room, looking for any evidence that percy still might be in the throne room.
"I don't think he left..." Artemis said making all of the Olympians get back on guard.
"So true...yet not true." Percy appeared right in front of Ares before kicking him into the pillars. "You see, I'm going to play with yall 'till yall beg for mercy." Percy growled before disappearing again.

~~Blue Cookie Line break~~

Artemis P.O.V

I continued to scan the room, looking for where percy disappeared off to. How does he do it? I wonder how he does that little trick of disappearing. "Guys, I've fought him before but he wasn't on this level of skill." I say outloud, never letting down my guard.
"Well why don't we just destroy the room? If we do that he won't be able to escape." Hephaestus suggested.
"Uhhh No! That's probably one of the most stupidest strategies I've ever heard in my life!" Growled Athena.
"Hey! It was just a suggestion!" Hephaestus growled back to the snarky reply.
"Quiet!" I growled through gritted teeth. I started to think of different plans, strategies, anytime that could help me defeat percy.
"There is a way..."
I got looked around wildly "where are you!!"
"Calm down, I'm going to tell you have a way to tame him. Like gods, demigods have true names too. And once you have their true names, you can control them. Percys is πίστη" The voice whispered.
I knew if true names, but I always thought stuff like that was long lost knowledge. Even most gods nowadays have forgotten about that stuff. For this person to have loyalty for his true name means deep down, Percys probably a great guy. Look at me, saying a guy is great just because I know their true name.
If I remember correctly, once you shout a person's true name their bound to you in life and death. Also if I'm correct no one else can use their true name to control them once I say it.
I smile "Oh percyyyy! Guess what?"
He appears right in front of me, ready to attack but before he could I shouted out his true name.

Well I hope yall enjoyed this chapter! Chapter 6 will be released this Friday! Love yall!

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