Chapter 9

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Hey pups here's what all of yall been waiting for....chapter 9!


Chapter 9: who knew...?

Percy and Artemis immediately analyzed the burning camp before flying into action. "Percy! Try to find me hunters! And if their in trouble, save them!" Percy nodded before running into the flaming mess.

Artemis on the other hand, started to kill any monsters that she could see. All of her shots were just one big blur. Some monsters would die so suddenly that they weren't even able to process it.

She was just one big silver blur, weaving in and out of dieing monsters. Some monsters tried their luck with the moon goddess but they usely ended up regretting it.

Percy on the other hand was saving hunters left and right, some thanked him while others just hissed at him like evil cats. None of this really bothered percy but he didn't know why. Usely if someone says something rude to him, he would resend it ten fold. Maybe it's because he was their guardian? Maybe it's just because he had so much adrenaline pumping into his blood that he really didn't care.

After saving the hunters that were in trouble, he started to kill the monsters with so much grace that some of the hunters were oohing and ahhing. Some were so surprised that a man could fight with so much grace that they were in 'awe' mode.

Percy cut through so many monsters that eventually he lost count. As he slayed monsters, percy bumped into someone. Immediately he had his spear pointed at who he bumped into, only to see it was Artemis. After this little mess up, they double teamed any monster that was still alive around them.Before they knew it, all of the monsters were golden dust.

Percy and Artemis we breathing hard before they finally started to laugh. "I have to admit percy, you're very skilled with that spear of yours"

"Thanks, I have to admit you're pretty good with that bow of yours" percy replied back.

"Mi'lady! Who is this male?" A hunter approached. She was one if the hunters that was sent to capture percy.

"Well hunters! This man right here is our guardian!"


Sorry for the short chapter, this was mainly a filler in till the next chapter. Which I'm going to start working on right now. But I won't make any promises on when I'm going to publish the next chapter. Love yall pups

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