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It had been a long day at summer school for Jules. She couldn't wait to get home. Jules was gonna make food and watch ger favorite amine.

As she was riding down the street a black truck pulled up next to with two guys inside.

"Hey, yo, what up, B?" The guy driving yell to Jules getting really close to her with his car.

"Yo, how bout you come and ride on this dick?" The guy driving continued to yell.

Sticking the middle finger up at him Jules lost her balance and fell to the ground hurting herself.

Jules picked herself off the floor and decided to just walk the rest of the home with her bike.

Jules moved from the city to the suburbs after her mom and dad got divorced.

Jules got home and saw in the mirror in her bedroom she had big bruises from when she fell.

Deciding to just sleep for the rest of the day Jules layed down on her bed.

She doesn't really like to talk about it, but dads almost never get full custody, so you know some shit denfially went down.

She went to like, three weeks of summer school with Kat, who failed Intro to Visual Arts.


Earlier that day

Jules and cat were sitting next to other in the dark class room as the teacher project a video.

Both of then had been texting back and forth to avoid the teacher hearing.

Kat 🐈‍⬛️❤️
You wanna go to McKays party fri?

Jules 🥰✨️
Who's that?

Kat 🐈‍⬛️❤️
Some football player

Jules 🥰✨️
Lol maybe


Getting a notification on her phone Jules opens it and it's a message from someone on grinder.

Dominantdaddy: My god, you're perfect and beautiful and how do I meet you for a drink?

Dominantdaddy: ...tonight???

Jules smile at her for quickly leaving that app to text Kat that she wasn't gonna go to that party. She instead wanted to meet this guy for drink and hopefully to hook up.

Jules 🥰 ✨️
Kat! Gonna skip party tn ily


After work Mars walks into the house and Gia's in the kitchen eating a cookie.."Hey sis." I says walking over to handing her an Arizona from work.

"Hey Mars, thanks." Gia says taking the drink.

"Is mom home." I ask laying my keys down on the counter.

"Yeah but she's kind of upset Rue pissed her off. Mom thinks she was out getting high." Mars knew how much Gia looked up to Rue and even after Rue's overdosed Gia was still had this perfect image of Rue and I couldn't ruin that for her.

Mars rolls her eyes. "She's been here 5 days and already ruining things for me." Mars says.

Mars wanted to ask her mom if she could go to the party tonight. Leslie was a little worried about her daughter going to parties again but was slowly starting to trust her again. Then here comes Rue with her drugs making Leslie worry again.

Walking to her moms room Mars decided to just ask if she can go to Dixie's house. She technically wasn't lying, she was gonna go to Dixie's house.... to pick her so they can go to the party.

Mars knocks on the door. "Come in."

"Hey mom can I go to Dixie's house." Mars asks walking into her mom's room where she is laying down watching TV.

Leslie let's out a long sigh.

"Hey mom! I have to pee!" Rue yells from down the hall.

"Yeah fine." Leslie says getting put of bed.

"Thanks." I run to my room and quickly start getting ready.


Jules was currently leaving her house to go meet up with her hook up but not before her dad stops her.

"Where you going?" Jules'dad ask?

"Uh, I don't know... some party, or something." Jules lies not wanting to tell her dad about her hook up.

"Or something?" Her dad questions her.

"Dad." Jules says and wanting to be late.

"I know. You know, just, new town. Be safe." Her dad says getting up and walking over to her.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Good." Jules' dad says giving her a hug."

"Love you." Jules says pulling away.

"I love you too."

And with that Jules left her home on her bike down the road.

Jules told me later what had happened


Arriving at the hotel where she was supposed to meet her date. Jules pulls out her phone.

I'm nervous

DominantDaddy: don't be

Promise ur not a serial killer? Lol

DominantDaddy: haha promise

Looking back on it she probably would have just been better off going to McKay's.


Jules parks her bike and walks up to the hotel door that DominantDaddy said he was in.

Knocking on the door Jules didn't know this would her butterfly effect.

She didn't know by this older guy opening the door letting her inside would be the butterfly flapping it's wing at the right moment in time causing the hurricane that will ruin her life.

"Come in."

Jules walked inside sealing her fate.

Partners in Crime (Jules) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora