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Emotions can't be reversed. Once gone, they never returns.

The thundering susurration of the endless emerald sea, provoked something in her conscience that always made her feel restless about something she couldn't fathom. Her blonde wavy hair danced in her shoulders in the rythm of the cold winter wind flowing there. The waves gently passed her bare legs, the cold water cutting through her skin, but she didn't flinch nor she moved. All she did, was stare emotionlessly at the point to the end of the sea her eyes could reach.

"Its cold out here, don't u think?", A male voice spoke from behind her shoulder, which broke the trance she was in.

"Its kinda.... Good", her voice was unexpectedly shrill. The male beside her sighed in resignation.

"Lets go inside, Trapes delivered a message from your mother", the male voice spoke again.



"Why do I think, this sea has a story?"

"You are being delusional", he said with a low huff, and took her hands in his, as he started taking her inside, "Lets go"

The Ministry of Cwellan written in block letters, on the shinning neon board at the top of the gate. She sighed, as she followed Adams through the mystical door, which opens automatically through face identification.

"Miss Angelina, our Woman called you this moment in her room, under her duty, Trapes" a robotic girl, without any hair, said to her, and then rolled in the corner. She didn't bother to say anything to Adams, as she made her way deep inside the palace.

The inside was warmer, as heaters regulated the entire temperature of the environment, but she always felt cold, colder than what she felt outside.

The neon blue lights outlining the ceiling, which was projected with stars and moon, making it look like a night sky in the north pole, but all she could feel was the loneliness and loss of life in them. As she walked towards the designated room she was told to go, the floors took her feet's biometrics, appearing green, for a split second before vanishing.

She stood near a huge purple door, which was decorated with purple hearts all over it. She stood their for a moment, but straightened when she heard a robot saying, "Miss Angelina, You are allowed to go inside, under her duty, Montangue"

The door opened soundlessly. She entered through it, the floor checking her biometrics.

In the middle of the huge room, stood a table which was projected with the map of the world, the ministry dominated. It includes all the people living in that area, where they were, specifically. It was coloured differently, each with red for danger, and green for peace. Including blue for something mysterious. She stood their immobile staring at the blue coloured projection, near to where she was standing. She wondered what was mysterious with her?

"You are 15 seconds late", a woman who was sitting on a rotating chair, facing away from her, turned around showing her beautiful scarlet hair, and black coloured lips. Her foxy eyes stared pointedly at Angelina, who stiffened at the stare.

"Uhm... I didn't know, Mother" she said, fear lacing her voice.

"As much as I expected from you, my dearest daughter.", the woman who she called Mother sarcastically replied her, as if she wasn't supposed to answer her. Angelina kept on staring at the floor, hoping this meeting would end as much fast as possible. "You don't remember a single thing, do you?", she asked, as Angelina could swear she heard a shimmer of hope in her mother's voice.

But the guilt inside her consumed her conscience, as she realised she not only doesn't remember, but also doesn't understand what she has to remember. Most important question was: Why she has to remember? She sighed, shaking her head in disapproval, as she took a deep breath knowing the malicious words her mother was going to tell her.

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