Memories III

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Angelina's POV

Its been three days, three days since I was brought here. Three days since I am kept captivated here, in this god's forsaken dark room, that I absolutely hate. Thomas, my so called owner, hasn't privileged me with his visit since that day on the hall. Not that I want to see his his face. I sighed. I have actually nothing to do here, other than sitting near a window that can be opened, and seeing the sea, whose other side belongs to me. The gentle breeze soothes me, and the bird's chirrupings that accompanies me in my lonliness.

Right now, I am at the same place. Near the window. Damn the view though! Cwellan's houses aren't like this. Here everything is so manual, the cooking, cleaning etc, everything basics are done by people, unlike in Cwellan where every work is done by the robots. Even windows in Cwellan are fixed, but here. Well, that's the only thing I like being here.

My door bursted open, and I stood up, shocked, excited and afraid at the same time. But to my surprise, there is no big black men, instead stood a girl. Black wavy hair, deep black eyes, resembling Thomas's, but not completely. Thin lips, height just slightly taller than me. We both stare at each other, like we both saw something extremely unexpected. Unlike Thomas, she looks much more approachable. So I decide to break the silence.

"Hi...?", I greeted, and she blinked twice, before entering my room. Great. No words. But still entering the room. No manners.

"Angelina, right?", she asks, but never gives me a chance to reply when she continues, "I am Jullie Envison. Thomas's sister, but you can call me Jules for short"

I nod, not knowing how to reply. Both the brother and sister seem to dictate what peope should call them. If Thomas hadn't told me to call him Thomas, I would have called him Asshole for the rest of my life. Jullie stood there awkwardly, actually expecting me to say something. What should I say? "So...?"

"So nothing!", she replied almost immediately, before smiling widely and saying, "I thought of giving you a visit. You must be lonely"

"Ah! You don't need to mind that. Your brother personally took care of that part", I reply sarcastically rolling my eyes. Brother keeping me isolated, Sister helping me to get off the loneliness. Ask your damn brother then!

She shook her head, closing the door behind her. "Look, my brother may look all scary-"

"Well, No. He looks like a jerk", I cut her off, as she blinked at me.

She sighed, before continuing, "Well, he may look all jerk and whatever you think he is. He isn't actually that bad, you know. He just... He is just doing what should be done". This girl's fucking audacity.

"What has to be done? Like are you seriously telling me that, keeping me as his owned slave, is actually what should be done?", I ask quirking an eyebrow, as she took a deep breath, but I never gave her a chance to reply, "Trust me. I may be fool and powerless, but don't give me that bullshit on behalf of your brother".

The door bursted open again, and we both stare at the person standing at the entrance. Thomas. Fucking. Envison. Stood there glaring at me, so intensely that I might burn. I shook of that feeling that is making me all nervous and nauseous. "Thats not how a slave talks to their masters", he commented.

"But thats how a human talks to a human when their pride is hurt", I replied, in the same tone he said me. He rolled his eyes, and was about to say something, when he got interrupted by Jullie.

"Stop doing this crap, Frerot! We both know that", she snapped at his brother, and confusion grew in the pit of my stomach. What is that they both knew? Thomas rolls his eyes at his sister's words, before facing me again. "I am really sorry, on behalf of my brother, Angelina. Believe me or not, but I really am", she apologized, and I could hear that she is indeed genuine.

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