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The people who consider you weak, have not yet noticed the wolf hiding behind your eyes, nor the flames inside your souls.

She never believed that she slept that that afternoon, even after everything happened. The sleep really helped her with calming her senses, afterall being awake for 48 hours isn't a matter of joke. She drank the water kept at her nightstand, before moving out of her room, making her way towards the living campus to see all her friends, even some of the other cadets busy in gossiping. Her heart clenched to be as normal as them, to be as free as them, to be as physically active as them. But not everything a person wants is granted.

Without earning anyone's attention, she left the camous room making her way towards the beach, where she had to wait for Thomas to appear. The rain had stopped by the time she woke up, so the wet smell of the sand, and the nearby smell of the rain eased her comfort in the most enchanting way. She closed her eyes, letting her body to feel the healing power of the nature.

"I would have brought an umbrella with me, if I were you", a deep, raspy voice echoed in the silent soltitude of sea beach. Angelina didn't even bothered to turn back, as she already knew the person, the only one who can intimidate her just by his voice.

She exhaled, as a sign that she acknowledged his presence. Her hands burned again, but it affected her this time as it stopped after she ricocheted. She gave a small whimper, and within a second, she found Thomas leaning infront of her, with concern written all over his face. "Its nothing. I don't know why, but my hands sometimes burns", she answered the question that was lined in his concerned eyes.

Thomas sighed loudly, shaking his heads in disbelief, as Angelina stared at him confused by his reaction. "You know, only you can help yourself now", he suddenly said, after a moment of silence.

Angelina's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What?"

"Nevermind", he said before taking a sit beside her, and she felt thousands of butterflies swimming in her stomach. "You guys were lucky today, that rain stopped them from being killed by my hands", he commented as pride dripped in her tone.

Angelina chuckled, "Why would you hurt my friends?"

Thomas's head whipped at her direction in confusion, "Well, maybe you have forgotten, but I am Dark Wrath. I don't need reason to hurt and kill someone", he said monotonously.

Angelina gave a soft laugh this time, as Thomas stared at her like she was some sort if insane. "Well, you don't seem so much Dark Wrath-ish to me", she remarked.

"Well, because I am Dark Wrath", he chimed as proudly as he could, and this time Angelina laughed, earning a questioning glare from Thomas. But there was no rage or fury, just questioning glance.

"Trust me, you don't scare me. You never did. I agree I was a bit nervous, but when I saw you for the first time, that nervous was replaced by confidence", she paused as she turned around to face Thomas completely, "You can never scare me, Mr. Thomas Envison". Angelina swore she could see a hint of smile on his face, which he guarded as fast as it appeared. He cleared his throat, fidgeting his head between Angelina and the beach. His ears were red, and Angelina couldn't help but think that she made the Dark Wrath blush. "Is the big, scary, Dark Wrath blushing?"

Thomas whipped his head to her direction, disbelief written all over his face, "You are so delusional. I can hurt you here, right now and even kill you, and not a soul will know about that"

"Clearly", she commented looking back at the sea, "But you won't. I know you won't. Don't ask me why, I just know". They both fell into comfortable silence, when Thomas decided to break the silence.

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