Memories II

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Angelina's POV

I squirmed in disgust as both of the huge men, held both of my arms, almost hanging me in the air. The grip was too tight for me to release myself, and it was too much painful, as I feared maybe I would have a huge black spot tomorrow. They dragged me through the dark hallways, ignoring my helpless cries. I jumped and tried to snatch my hands away from those big shitheads, but to no avail. They are too strong and I am too weak. Always the same. Never the other way around.

Soon I am thrown on the floor, my knees scratching with the floor below, as a sheer pain shoots through me. Maybe I am bleeding. My cries increased, as I failed to look in the front, fearing whatever is in the front will kill me alive or will torture me to death. Thats what I saw in the movies. This people never the trust the people from the other regions. So they kill and torture them, hoping to find the truth that never existed.

"Look at me, preety slave", the second most disgusting male voice, ordered me, as I got the urge to puke at his face, but that would make things more worse. He ordered, but to follow them is my decision. And I didn't follow. "Fucking look at me!", he shouted, and I shrink more. He chuckled, and I know at this moment, something worst is going to happen. That disgusting piece of shit, then used his rough hands, to lift my chain forcefully, making me cry in pain, forcing me to look at him. The most disgusted face I have ever seen. He was brunette, but none of his features matched with the person who saved me. That man should have just let me drown. "Look at you, so beautiful and so sexy", he commented, creepy smile lingering on his mouth, as I got the urge to spit on his face, which I controlled. Doing things like this will get me anywhere but torture. His hands slowly moving away from my chin, his eyes roaming around my body, and I blushed in embarrassment. The dress is too short, and his eyes are too wandering. His hands trails down my throat, then to my chest, and before he could do something, I slapped his hands away. He chuckled in the most creepiest way, "You are a hard girl to break, but trust me, princess, I love to break things-"

"Leave her the fuck alone, Zack", a deep, masculin voice echoed in the room, for the first time I am thankful to the male species around here. Zack huffed in annoyance leaving me, and went to stand beside the other jerk, who called me slut. "Whats your name, girl?", the voice asked, and I finally moved my head upwards to see the person, and to my utter surprise, his features matches with the man, who saved me. Deep black silky hair, too silky to leave it untouched, lips too perfect to not be kissing, a strong V-shaped jawline, and hard muscles around his arms and bodies. Slim yet muscular. "Don't you know, how to talk, slut?", and thats it. Fury build inside me, which I refused to take out, as I heard the other males in the room give out a soft laugh.

Beautiful. Yet. Asshole.

"Angelina Everhart", I replied in the softest tone possible, looking at him hoping him to prove to be a better person than the other two. Another wrong word, and I might snap at these creatures.

He nods in approval, "Your parents?", he asked the second question.

"Mother is Scarlet Everhart, and father...", I trailed off, as the old wounds began to tear inside me, forcing me to become weak. "Well, his name is Richard Everhart and he is dead", I completed as a drop tear fell from eyes, which I rubbed off as soon as it fell.

He again nodded, not a single sign of sympathy or pity. Not that I want one. "Why are you here?", he asked. And that's it. The annoyance residing inside me, finally made its way out.

I chuckled, earning a couple of glances, and doesn't even dare to look at all those eyes. My eyes were focussed on the man infront of me, so is his. "If I knew the reason, don't you think, I would have gone to my home back? Rather than, staying here for fucking answers, which I can't seem to get?", I snapped, finally letting my anger out, which made me feel oddly satisfied.

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