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Every person is made of good and evil. It depends on the person who chose to show the either side of it.

"That was all for today", the class ended marking by the screeching sounds of bells. Angelina sighed, as she realised that it was only her's class that ended for today. Everyone else had battle briefing, but Angelina wasn't allowed to enter that class. Not that she had any objections.

Walking alone through the empty hallways, she decided to make her way to the Bibliographic Archive. If there was anything else that mattered the most to her was Books. She walked through the hallways, and the only sounds were of robots moving here and there, corridor shining with blue neon lights, as she looked down at her feet. Her mind wandered off to how would her mother react at after learning about her condition yesterday. There was no way Tessie would have keot this secret of her sleeping in the beach. She shivered at the thought of it.

She stood there immobilised. She watched as Hannes sprinted past her with a horrified expression on his face. Something inside her nudged, as confusion grew in the pit of her stomach. But she ignored it, like she ignored every other feelings she had been getting for past weeks after her memory loss. Whats the point of understanding when you can't even remember? She thought, as she made her way towards the archive.

She paused at the sight of the magnificent door in front of her. The only doors which were not magical but manual. The only door that felt like her home. She pushed open the door, only to be refracted by the stale smell of parchments and papers. The addictive bookish nerd side of her was enough to drive her crazy by this simple odour. Her eyes wandered to the top of the shelves to the bottom of the shelves, to the left and to the right, unless her eyes settled on that one book, she was forbidden to read. Ministry of Grindelwald.

She looked at the entrance and then the entire room. No one, not even a soul was there to witness her. With a heavy beating heart, she decided to take the risk of reading through the pages of the 200 years old book. She sat herself down between two shelves, shielding herself from anyone if they enter. Abd with a curious mind and heavy heart, she started reading the book.

Located at the lowest point of the Mount Vulcano, Grindelwald was built by one and only King Albert Vulcano, in 3067AD. Home to countless dwarfs and the rainbowed incantations of the people, Grindelwald flourished under the royal king for 98 years. However the peaceful unity of people were divided, after the demise of the King who died without any further successor.

The kingdom was split into Seven kingdoms across the world. To the North of the Vulcano mountains, in the lap of the Bay of Wadeter, lies the Azurian Powers of The Ministry of Cwellan. To be defined with power, integrity, peace and soltitude, the Azurian grew both in economic as well as popularity because of their Signets of mind reading, and psychological manipulation. The Ministry of Cwellan was initially founded by Lord Perceval, in the year 3165AD, 3 years after the demise of the the Great King.

To the South of Vulcano Mountains, in the snowy land of The Matadover Tundra, lies the Cruorian Powers of the Ministry of Griffin. Known for their immense physical strength, their brilliance strategical construction, The Ministry of Griffin is however widely famous for their outstanding balancing of powers beyond human imagination. Magnetic Aggression, Countless Strength, Ricocheting abilities, Griffin is the most Strongest and most feared Scientific in the world.

To the North-eastern region of the Vulcano Mountains, sharing its border with the Cwellan Ministry, lies the Ministry of  Grindelwald I, named after their father kingdom Grindelwald. Their main power is Ricocheting abilities through every Signs on the planet. They are famously known for their hidden nature. For the past 100 years no one in the world ever knows the Master of their Ministry. Rumouredly heard of, Grindelwald I presents the Verdantian Powers. The power of Earth and the nature.

Anatomy of Heart Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz