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People is not always what they show. Being fake is an inevitable part of their body and soul that they cannot ignore.

The cool, and peaceful soltitude of the sea waves, and breeze, eased her to an extent, that she no longer felt threatened of anything. Her body and mind gave up the moment she felt the breeze striking her delicate skin, revealing goosebumps on them. She was feeling cold, and shivered slightly at the coldness of the air. But atleast it was better than being inside in the warm, and feel tortured about her existence.

"Your life is important, even if you think it is not", a deep cold voice said from behind her, as a bewildered Angelina turned around to find Thomas, not in his usual armour clothes, but with a casual dress, taking vape. Even the toxic smell of vapenwas better than the warmth she felt inside. "Should have worn a jacket, atleast"

"I love being here in the cold. Thats not something you should care about", she replied, her tone harder than usual.

Thomas quirked his eyebrows, as he bent his neck sideways, to get a better look at Angelina, studying her features. "Who did this to you, Ellie?"

She stiffened at the name he called her, as thousands of emotions and memories came back to her in a moment.

"You are strong, and adamant and a little feisty of your kind. But thats why I love you. I loved you when you were weak, and I love you now when you are stronger, sharper and brighter. I love you with or without your powers, Ellie. Even if I die, even if you forget everything, I will love you. And I promise Ellie, my love will bring you back. The sacrifice you did for me, for us, for Grindelwald. I will not let it go without any payment. I promise you, Ellie", he confessed and this time I saw the tears in his eyes, of how broken he will feel once I forget. I smiled, and I did the only thing that can make him better. I kissed him gently with so much love. It wasn't the kiss we wanted, but the kiss we needed.

"Thomas Envison Ellie, for you its only Thomas"

"Because you won't know what was right and what was wrong. Whom you chose and whom you didn't. Who were you and who are you"


"Who did this to you, Ellie?"

A drop of tear fell from her eyes, and before she knew, she was on the ground and on her knees. She broke down, finally she let everything inside her to let out. Not alone, not in front of the beach that eased her. Not in front of Aaron who claimed that they were lovers. Not in front of Tessie who claimed to be best friend. Not in front of Adams with whom she grew up. Not in front of Hannes who treated her like his daughter. Not in her room. But infront of Thomas. Infront of the deadliest and the vicious Dark Wrath. Infront of the man who killed her own armies. Infront of the man who can kill Angelina this instant without any second thought.

But he didn't. If he wanted, he could have killed her the moment she was being savage to him the very first day she met. If he wanted, he could have killed her the moment she ordered him to stay so she can mend him. He didn't, instead he obeyed. Her every command, every feisty attitude of hers, he obeyed. The same person who never bowed to anyone, even infront of his Cruorian Goddess.

She felt something shift beside her, but she didn't care. Her heart threatened to reveal the emotions she felt for the person infront of her. Her brain urged her to give up the composure and hug this man who was the only person who showed her humanity. Her memories, though blurred and incomplete, and even though she made her belief, that the person who called her Ellie in her memories is not the person who is calling her Ellie now, it desperately brought those exact words back to prove how much wrong she is.

Anatomy of Heart حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن