Memories I

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Angelina's POV

"Lina!?", Tessie's voice come floating to my ears, as I sat near the beach, not wanting to response to her calling. Although I knew Tessie won't give up unless she gets my response, but whats friendship if not filled with annoying charecters? "Where the fuck are you?" She again called, now I know that if I didn't response Tessie will surely faint in concern.

"I'm here!", I shouted back waving my right hand towards Tessie signalling her my location. She saw it instantly, and sprinted towards me like a mad woman. She plopped beside me, streching her legs towards the sea, allowing the cold water to touch her feet. I smiled to myself at her silly behaviour.

"You know whats the best thing?" She asked all of a sudden, as she answered her own question herself. "This thing, we are doing, this happiness, this freedom, I never want to loose!"

She was smiling to herself while talking, and all I could do was stare at her true smile, and how wonderful it looked on her. She barely smiled from the time we all got to know the economic conditions of our scientific. "Whats better is that we are happy", I said, looking back at the sea, my eyes not leaving the small specs of light in the far sea. I always wondered what is that light that always shine, its like calling me over there, but at the same time so unwelcoming.

"As much as I respect your decision, Aaron was a wrong choice!", Adams suddenly said, and I realised that I was too infatuated with that light to even acknowledge his presence.

"Yeah?", I said awkwardly. Among all the decisions I made in my life, not that I got much to make, but whatever small decisions I took, Adams always supported me like a big brother. But this time he wasn't, and that made me quite uncomfortable.

I and Aaron are in a relationship since the last summer, and it was him who provoked me first. Although he says he loves me, I can't help but feel the opposite from him. Like, none of the reasons of happening between us were never me, it was always his best friend Rebekah. All I wanted was to show him that I am capable of taking and making decisions both, but he won't listen, he just listens to Rebekah.

Sometimes I wonder, whether getting me was a bait that he won or not!

"Lina?", Tessie's dulcet voice brought her back to reality, "You are losing feelings, aren't you?", She asked as both She and Adams stared at me with hopeful eyes. And I hate to dissapoint them.

"No Tessie. I love him. I truly do", I remarked sighing, though what I knew what I said was true. There were no better person who could make me feel anything different. Settling for the less and having less expectations is what I should hope for. More over no man will love a girl who doesn't have her signet at rhe age of 16.

We sat in a comfortable silence, when all of a sudden Aaron jumped on me making me fall on the ground. He kissed me on my lips, leaving me baffled and a mess. "What are you doing?", I asked pushing Aaron to gain my balance. To be honest that was most irritating kiss I ever felt in my life. Disgusting!

"Kissing you!", He said, as he again lunged for my lips, and kissed me brutally hard. His tongue collided with mine, but it felt kinda filthy. Doing this publicly was never my type. I didn't kiss him back, for which he grabbed me by my throat so hard, that I was left with no option but to kiss him back. Such a perverted jackass. But still he is my boyfriend, and maybe I should just kiss him back instead of becoming a bloodied mess.

"Aaron stop!", Rebekah's voice floated in between us, and for the first time I was grateful towards her. He stopped kissing me, and looked at Rebekah smirking.

Actually, both of them were smirking staring at each other. Tessie, Adams and I were all but confused. I and Tessie made an uncomfortable eye contact, and Adams looked at Rebekah completely confused with what happening. Unless Aaron said, "See? I told you?"

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