Memories VII

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Angelina's POV

"I haven't seen you, like for an eternity", Mason complains, as he plops in my bed, as I freshen myself in the washroom. Although I am a mess, and my entire body pains due to the immense training Thomas gave me today morning, I still have unexpectedly high energy left to actually sit and chat and freshen up. I am getting impressed by myself day by day, I see.

"Complain this to your dear friend", I say bluntly as I put down the comb, letting my long white blonde hair flow down my shoulders. Its the only thing I like, my blonde hair. I look at Mason from the reflection on my mirror, to see him looking at me in the same way. "What?", I ask quirking an eyebrow at him.

"You have a beautiful hair, Lina", he says without hesitation making me blush. I chuckle, earning a complete smile from him. As much as Thomas is ruthless and never smiles, his friends are however different. Mason always smile looking at me, he is one of  the sweetest person existing here. "Tom is harsh on training. I agree"

"Guess, I can't defend my brother on this", Jullie's dulcet voice echoed in the surroundings as both of our heads snapped at her direction. Mason chuckles, while Jullie came behind me, taking the comb from the table, and slowly and very carefully starts to comb it. "You indeed have a very beautiful hair, A", she compliments, as she slowly starts to braid my hair. "My mother used to braid my hair every night before sleeping, as she believed that the strength of a girl lies in her hair", she says, and I could feel the sadness overwhelming her.

"I can guarantee she is beautiful and kind, and sometimes can be feisty like you", I decide to lighten her mood. Apart from Tessie, Jullie is the one person I can't see sad.

Jullie chukles, as she replies, "Yeah, she was. And she would have loved you, A. She loves a woman who can stand for themselves. Not for the surroundings but for themselves". Her pride for her mother was completely visible in the way she is talking, and a part of me doubted that she died. "But she is no more"

"She died during a invasion, 2 years ago, the day Tom's youngest sibling was born", Mason says, and I can almost feel Jullie stiffen by my side. An invasion? Two years ago? Like nobody came to protect them? Where was Thomas's strength or Jullie's powers? So many questions, but I resisted myself from asking as this will only scar Jullie's wounds. And I can't do that, not to her.

"You were lucky to have a mother like her, Jules", it is however, partially correct. Scarlet never braided my hair, nor she took care of me, even as a kid. I was always my father's daughter, not my mother's. Although I have deep respect for her,and I am not ashamed to confess myself that I never loved her as a mother figure. I loved her a queen, as my father's wife and as my house's mistress.

Jullie continued to comb my hair, untill it was a tight braid, and I couldn't help but notice how beautifully she did that. And by the time she completed, Mason was already half asleep on my bed. Well, isn't he a sweetheart? "Well, you look awesome, A", she compliments as I stand to face her completely. She has this smile, the most genuine appreciation smile I have ever seen. "You know, my mother never cared about anybody's love life, other than Thomas's", she chuckles as she says, moving towards my bed to sit herself, as I stand without moving, too preoccupied in her words. "Because she always thought, that everyone of her children may get some salvation within themselves but not Thomas. She believed that Thomas is growing up to be too heartless to ever love someone", she completes, and I couldn't help but answer her.

"I won't disagree with your mother, Jules. Thomas is indeed heartless. No person with a sympathetic heart can ever have 6 signets in all", I sigh as I say, knowing completely well, Jules won't like it.

But instead of frowning, she laughed, and Mason stir in his sleep. "Well well. You are right. But at the same time, as his sister I can guarantee you, Miss Everhart, my brother is a charm. And he is a good person by heart. All you have to do is to open the key to that door", she says, and this time I laugh.

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