Collapsed (3)

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Everyone was going out to brunch and were all getting into cars, Ella and Alessia were in Sarina's car along with Georgia and Mary. Ella had been quiet while getting into the car and was in the middle of Alessia and Georgia.

Sarina: you girls ready for the big game?

Georgia: I hope so, they were good last time

Sarina: just put in effort and you'll be fine I promise

Mary: you've got me in goal, nothing is going in

Sarina: Ella, Alessia you two have been quiet, are you nervous ?

Alessia: yh quite nervous

Sarina: Ella what are you nervous about?

Ella: just the game, I'm always nervous before a game haha (fake laughing)

Sarina: I promise you, you will do great, all of you

(They arrive at the place and all have a nice brunch together, Ella is with less and her leg is shaking the whole time and she keeps picking at her fingers, when less notices she holds Ellas hands and afew times Ella is asked if she is ok during the brunch but she just answers yes and gives the same story she did to Sarina. They finish up their brunch and Ella goes to the toilets and checks no one is in there and makes herself throw back up what she could of her meal, she checks once more before she leaves that no one was in there and goes back to the table, once everyone is ready they go back to the cars they came in)

Sarina: that was nice don't you think girls ?

G,M,A,E: yes

(They all arrive back into the lobby)

Sarina: right girls, it's half 12 now the game is at 7, I want you all at the pitch by half 5 latest, go get yourselfs ready

(Everyone goes off to their rooms)

(Ella is still shakey when her and less get back to their room, Alessia has been trying to comfort her the whole time but isn't sure what is going on
When Alessia walks in Ella tails behind slowly and shaky, she stumbles in the hallway and less turns round as Ella steadies herself)

Alessia: Ella what's wrong you've gone Pale and sweaty

Ella:(suddenly feeling very hot and very weak) less I don't feel very good

(Ella collapses to the ground and Alessia runs over, Ella made a loud thud and Lucy and Kiera run into the room and see Ella unconscious in lessi's arms)

Alessia: go get Sarina

( Kiera runs to get Sarina as Alessia and Lucy move Ella so she is in Alessia's lap holding her hand and Lucy gets some water ready for when she wakes)

Lucy: she'll be ok less, do you know why she passed out?

(Sarina runs in with Kiera and afew others from the team hear the commotion and are waiting outside)

Sarina: did she hit her head when she fell?

Alessia: no I don't think so

(Sarina taps Ella's cheeks but she doesn't wake up, Sarina does it again and Ella starts to wake, Alessia let's out a sigh of relief )

Sarina: Ella don't try to move ok, just focus on your breathing ( Ella looks scared and tries to sit up but Lucy pushes her back down)

Ella: what happened?

Alessia: you were very shakey and stumbled in the hallway and then you went all pale and sweaty and said you didn't feel well and then you just collapsed

Ella Toone's struggle Where stories live. Discover now