abused (part 2)

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Paramedics: miss what's the problem?

Alessia: it's her boyfriend, he's abusive and now he's done this to her

(The paramedics take Ella off of Alessia and lay her on the ground in the recovery position)

Police : miss uhh

Alessia: Russo, just call me Alessia

Police: miss Russo, can you tell us what happened ? (The police take Alessia to the side while Ella is being treated) can we record this for your statement ?

Alessia: (still crying and shaky) um yes that's fine, um uhI came round to see her after I saw a mark on her arm and I saw that she had burn marks on her ribs and as I was holder her top up to look her boyfriend came down and and and

Police: (grabbing Alessia's arm) miss, take a breath it's going to be ok, we just need to know the information for the statement

Alessia: ok (takes a deep breath) um, he came down as I was looking at the marks and I was told by Ella a while ago it was self harm so I assumed it was and she never corrected me, Dan was angry because it's not an easy thing to explain when your holding someone's top up but I assumed he would understand because he could also see the marks and she told me he knew about them

Paramedics: (in the background) someone bring the oxygen mask

Alessia: (turning to Ella and the paramedics) is she going to be ok?

Police:: miss Russo, let them work on her, please carry on with the story

Alessia: right um, he was the one that burned her and he thought that Ella had told me it was him, so while I was saying we needed to treat the burns he yelled and said " she's a liar she is, she burned herself and she's trying to blame it on me so it seems I'm a terrible boyfriend" and then I figured it was him that did it, I yelled at him and he shoved me and grabbed her and pushed her onto the floor and started punching and kicking her and knocking me back down whenever I tried to get to her, once she was unconscious he went off in his car a d then I called you, that's all I can remember

Police: ok thank you miss Russo, we will call you back for questions later on but right now you need to be with your friend

(Ella was now on a stretcher with an oxygen mask on and ice on her torso)

Alessia: (climbing into the ambulance with Ella, whispering to her) it's all going to be ok Ella I'm right here

(They arrived at the hospital and Ella is rushed into a room while Alessia has to go to the waiting area until she's called in)

(Alessia pov)

(How have I not noticed this going on?

She's lost a lot of weight and her confidence is lower than ever, why didn't I check up on her sooner ?

If only Dan hadnt have walked in, she would have been ok

If I told her about that bad feeling I had when I first met him, shed be ok)

Doctor: miss Russo, she is awake when your ready to see her

Alessia: yes I'm ready

Doctor: room 311, she is on medication so she might seem not her usual self but she is fine

Alessia: (walking into the room and rushing to hug Ella) thank god your awake

Ella: thankyou less, what happened exactly?

Alessia: (sitting on the chair next to the bed that Ella is hooked up to) what do you remember ?

Ella: not much honestly, we were watching a film and then Joe went to bed and everything is kinda fuzzy from there

Ella Toone's struggle Where stories live. Discover now