Playing in the match (5)

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(Less had started taking her bag down to the car while Ella was still getting ready)

Alessia: I'll meet you in the car ok

Ella: ok, I won't be a minute

(Less had just left the room and Ella was almost finished packing her kit bag, she just had to grab her hairspray and bottle then lock up the room, she grabbed everything and locked the room ready to head out)

Georgia: (sees Ella walking in the corridor sorta zoned out) Ella (taps her shoulder) you ok?

Ella: (zones back in) huh? Oh uh, yeah, you ok?

Georgia: u sure Ella, you seem really out of it

Ella: yeah sorry, just thinking, I'm ok though

Georgia: what happened earlier, Kiera said you blacked out and we all saw you unconscious over Lucy's shoulder

Ella: yeah, I don't know what happened, I just passed out and woke up in less's arms then apparently passed out again and was in the medical room, I'm fine though, didn't hit my head or anything

Georgia: oh my, do you know why you blacked out ?

Ella: (voice goes slightly higher as she lies) no, doc said it was just random but I'm ok now, I've got to get to less in the car park, I'll see you at the pitch (starting to walk off )

Georgia: ok, ill see you at the pitch

(Ella checks the time and realises she took longer than she said she would to get to less and will now have to answer some questions)

Ella: shit

( She heads down to the car park and gets into the passenger seat next to alessia)

Alessia: you ok? You took longer than I thought

Ella: yeah sorry, I ran into Georgia in the corridor and she started asking about earlier

Alessia: did you tell her what happened

Ella: (voice goes slightly higher) yeah I told her

Alessia: Ella? Really, I know when you're lying

Ella: I'm not, I told her, i passed out and woke up in your arms and again in the medical room

Alessia: did you tell her why?

Ella: (stammering) um uh eh um

Alessia: Ella

Ella: no, I told her they didn't know why and it was just random, I wanted to tell her but I didn't want anyone to know about it, I know you do but I can't change that but I can prevent anyone else finding out

Alessia: she will find out eventually, it will get mentioned at some point, you don't have to tell her but you don't have to lie about it Ella

Ella: (looking down and disappointed) I know, I'm just so used to making things up on the spot to stop people from knowing, I mean it worked for a year with you

Alessia: I knew there was something wrong, I just didn't know what, also after your breakdown a few months ago, a few people in the team know something is up

Ella: (visibly upset that the breakdown was mentioned) yh I know, I just don't want people to actually know what's wrong

Alessia: ( noticing the change in Ella's voice and expression) sorry Ella, I won't mention it again ( puts her hand on Ella's and rubs it, she starts the car)

Ella: it's ok, you don't need to apologise ( smiles slightly)

( They drive off towards the pitch and get there after a 10 minute drive, they still have tons of time before the match and they go into the changing rooms and see everyone who was already there)

Ella Toone's struggle Where stories live. Discover now