The first half (6)

414 5 2

(Ella and Alessia head out onto the pitch and are both told by Leah to grab a pink bib)

Alessia: you ready Ella?

Ella: yeah hope so

(The first drill was just sprints and the second was dribbling and shooting from the penalty spot into the goal)

Leah: nice Ella, not a single miss yet

Ella: thanks (a small smile appears on her face)

Alessia: doing good Tooney (gives her a high five)

(The final drill is a mini match, it was pinks Vs whites)

Leah: everybody ready?

Team: yeah

Leah:(blows whistle) start

(Leah was the referee as she was still out from her injury and was just helping out with the teams training)

Alessia: Kiera pass here (Kiera passes to Alessia)

(Russo shoots but it is saved by Hannah)

Ella: nice try less (she smiles and less smiles back)

(Ella goes in for a tackle against Jess carter but Ella hadn't realised how much lighter she was now and how easy it was for other players to knock her down, that was the first challenge she has had while playing as before she hadn't made a proper tackle)

Ella: ahh (Ella goes down with a thud and less runs over to help her up)

Jess: sorry Ella

Ella: don't worry, it was a fair challenge

Leah: Ella, you ok?

Ella: yeah ( gives a thumbs up)

( The game continues for another 10 minutes untill training finishes and the match starts in 15 minutes )

Leah: nice game girls, good luck for the game

(Everyone goes into the changing room and Sarina starts a quick meeting and tells them their lineups)

Sarina: right, get out there and show Germany what you've got, good luck girls

Team: 1,2,3 England

(The team enter the pitch along with Germany and sing their national anthems, the teams line up and Ella is on the bench talking with Sarina)

Referee: (blows whistle to start the match)

(The match has started and England immediately put pressure onto the Germans)

Sarina: Ella, can you come to the tunnel with me? (Alessia looks over for a second and sees Ella go with Sarina)

Ella: is everything ok?

Sarina: I just want to talk before I put you on the pitch

Ella: oh ok

Sarina: first off, I can see the plasters

Ella: oh ( goes stiff and pale and looks scared)

Sarina: Ella, what is going on?

Ella: just lost in my head alot recently

Sarina: I'm not going to mention this to anyone, I just want you to be honest with me, when did this happen?

Ella: (nervously) erm, early this morning

Sarina: ( looking upset slightly) ok, is it all clean and disinfected?

Ella: yes, Alessia walked in and found me and sorted everything

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