Ella's panic attack

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(this is a one shot, if it's carrying on with the story then I will put the number next to the title like I did when writing the first story)


(Ella had a rough night of sleeping, she kept waking up and she felt very shaky and on edge, the alarm finally went off and Ella just didn't want to move)

Alessia:(climbing out of her bed)
"Ella you need to get up"


Alessia: (going over to Ella's bed and pulling the covers off)
"Ella up"

Ella: "do I have to ?"

Alessia: "yes"

Ella: "and what if I don't want to"

Alessia: "well then I'll have to do this"
(picks up Ella like a baby and carries her through to the kitchen)

Ella: "less put me down"

Alessia: 'no, I told you to get up"

Ella: "I am up"

Alessia: "your eyes are closed Ella"
(she lays Ella down on the sofa and goes to make breakfast, she has noticed Ella being shakey but just put it down to her just waking up)

Ella: "can I just lay here?"

Alessia: "5 minutes, I'm making breakfast"

(5 minutes pass and Alessia has layed out breakfast and a cup of tea each on the table and walks over to Ella who has not moved from the position Alessia left her in)

Alessia: "Ella?"

Ella: "5 more minutes ?"

Alessia: "no, you need to get up"

Ella: "please"

Alessia: "fine"

Ella: "really?"

Alessia: "no"
(she starts tickling Ella who frantically kicks her legs while laughing)

Ella: "less stop please"
(says throughout breaks of laughing)

Alessia: "fine"
( stops tickling her)
"that's woken you up now hasn't it"

Ella: you're so mean
(she says while sitting up)

Alessia: "oh well, breakfast is on the table"

Ella: "thanks less"
(while walking to the table she still felt very shakey and she didn't really feel hungry)

Alessia: "you ok? You're not eating"

Ella: "just not very hungry"

Alessia: "well atleast try to eat something please, we have training at half 11, I don't want you feeling faint, especially when we have alot of running today"

Ella: "I'll be fine"

Alessia: "remember what happened last year when you didn't eat breakfast or lunch and we had training at 1 and you said you'd be fine but you passed out ?"

Ella: "yes"
(said while looking down)

Alessia: "good, then eat"

(Alessia had finished her meal and had made her way to the kitchen with her plate while Ella was still finishing)

Alessia: "I'm gonna start getting ready, we have to be there in an hour and it takes 20 minutes to get there, don't be too long els"

Ella: "ok, I'll get ready in a minute"

Ella Toone's struggle Where stories live. Discover now