Eating (4)

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Ella walks back into the room and Alessia is starting to cry on her bed, Ella goes up to Alessia and gives her a tight hug and clings onto her as she stands up to get some tissue

Alessia: Ella you're like a koala haha (while wiping her tears)

Ella: why are you crying ? (She clings onto Alessia's back and is now resting her head on less's)

Alessia: nothing, I just wished I would have known so i could have helped you more

Ella: less, it's not your fault, I should have told you, I hid it on purpose, please don't be upset, it's not your fault I promise

Alessia: just please let me know if your not ok so I can help you ( less holds onto Ella's arms and Ella rests her head on less's shoulder)

Ella: I promise less (less flops back onto the bed and lands on Ella and they both start laughing)

(They have both calmed down and it is now 3 o'clock so they decide they should both get ready, Ella gets her clothes from the drawer and gets less's out too while she makes them both a tea, Ella starts to get dressed in their room and she gets her shorts on and as her shirt is off (she has on her sports bra) less walks in with their drinks)

Alessia: tea is ready ( Alessia walks in and sees Ella's thin and frail body, this is the first time she had actually seen it as before they hadn't seen eachother changing, even in the shower they didn't look at eachother, less pauses and Ella looks worried)

Ella: less wait- ( Ella's ribs are very easily seen as she has lost so much weight and it is very clear she is unhealthy, less had noticed when she was carrying Ella that she was lighter but seeing what she has done to herself and the plasters covering her arm made it all too real for less)

Alessia: (puts the tea down and runs to Ella and hugs her as tight as she can) oh Ella (starts crying softly)

Ella: (hugs less back but less tightens the hug) less, I can- can't breathe

Alessia: oh sorry ( let's go of the girl and just holds her shoulders looking at her rib cage) I'm sorry I shouldn't be crying

Ella: it's fine, it's not nice to look at, it was a shock for me too and still is

Alessia: Ella if your going to play you have to eat and not throw it back up

Ella: I know, I just can't

Alessia: your going to and I'm going to make you something now and I'm going to be with you as you eat it

Ella: less you don't have to

Alessia: I'm going to (she goes to the kitchen and cooked Ella some eggs bacon and toast)

Ella: (finished changing now and looking at her arm through the skins) shit why do I do this ?

Alessia: what was that Ella? (She says as she walks in with Ella's food)

Ella: oh nothing, just dropped something (less places the food on the table Infront of Ella and she sits down opposite her)

Alessia: oh ok, now eat your food, I'm not expecting you to finish every crumb but please eat the majority of it, there isn't too much there, you have 2 eggs 3 bacon strips and 2 slices of toast

Ella: (looking scared at the plate In front of her) thanks but what about you ?

Alessia: do you want me to have something too so you will eat

Ella: yes please less

Alessia: ok, you start and I'll grab some fruit (she leaves the room to grab food and Ella still looks scared at the plate Infront of her knowing that there is no way she can get away without eating it) I'm back, go on Ella start please, you have to eat something otherwise Sarina will never let you play today

Ella: fine (she grabs her fork and puts a bit of bacon into her mouth)

Alessia: thank god (she smiles)

Ella: (swallowing) there I've started, thankyou less (smiles) now you need to eat too

Alessia: ok I will

Ella: good

(Ella finishes most of her food only leaving half an egg and about a quarter of toast)

Alessia: do you feel better now for eating?

Ella: um kinda, I don't feel as faint

Alessia: ok, I'm going to take your plate out and I'll be right back ( she takes the plate from Infront of Ella and heads to the kitchen)

Ella: ok I'm gonna go wash my hands

Alessia: wait do that in a second

Ella: ok
Ella's head: shit, she knows what I was going to do, I can't get out of it now, what if I go quick, no that won't work she'll be back before then)

Alessia: (walks into a zoned out Ella with her leg shaking fast) earth to Ella (she zones back in and smiles at less)

Ella: sorry just zoned out then haha

Alessia: that's fine, you can go wash your hands now ( she follows Ella into the bathroom behind her so Ella doesn't try to make herself sick)

Ella: you don't need to follow me less

Alessia: Ella we both know what you wanted to do, not in a bad way I just care about you

Ella: yh I know (sighs and looks down and washes her hands)

(It's now half 4 and they are both ready and need to be at the pitch within the next hour)

Alessia: (from the kitchen to Ella in the bathroom, she knows Ella isn't trying to throw up now because Ella promised less and she left the door unlocked, she is doing her lashes in the bathroom and shouldn't be too long less thought) Ella when do you want to get to the pitch?

Ella:( rummaging around in the bathroom looking for where less put her blade in case she gets the urge again, unable to hear Alessia)

Alessia: Ella? (She walks to go see Ella after not getting a response) Ella, what are you looking for? ( She asks when she sees Ella rummaging around the bathroom)

Ella:(looking suddenly panicked) uh nothing, nothing, just curious

Alessia: do u want to again? (Ella looks down) Ella?

Ella: no not right now, I don't know when I will have the urge I just wanted to know where it was, I'm sorry less

Alessia: don't be sorry, it's ok, you won't find it by the way, I moved it earlier when you went to get your clothes

Ella: where is it less? I need to know

Alessia: no you don't Ella, it's hidden and even if you turn this room upside down you won't find it and I'm not letting you find it.

Ella: please less

Alessia: no Ella, now, when do you want to get to the pitch?

Ella: just give me five minutes and I'll be ready to go

Alessia: ok, I'll grab my things and we'll go in my car

Ella: ok

( The girls grab their things and head down to less's car and make their way to the pitch)

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